UNBreakable golfers

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You Have 84 Days

We are now into the final quarter of the
year chief

It's at this point where most people

pissed off.

Pissed of because the days are getting

The mornings are darker

And you're in the slow down till xmas

But the facts are there are 3 months

One quarter of a year

Now isn't the time to slow down

And wait till New Year's Eve to plan to
change anything

If you can reframe ANY event and try to
abstract a lesson

You will see that you now have an
imposed  deadline

And deadlines fella

Are very powerful

Remember how much you got done before
you went on holiday

How motivated you were

That can happen today

And if like me you work in 12 week

You have exactly 12 weeks till xmas day

That is a huge amount of time

You could build a new swing, Fix your
PAIN, Make more Money.You could even
learn a new language

You can choose to coast till xmas day


Power through to the deadline 12 weeks
from now

One of them gets you what you want

The other

Just gives you a host of excuses

One of them gets you results

The other

The same as what you have right now

You're just 3 months older

John "12 weeks" Seton

PS If your in PAIN fella, I am fully
booked for a few weeks


If you want to fix your body so you can
improve your swing

And have a plan you can work on at home
when it's dark outside

Fill out this form and I'll give you
more flexibility and less pain

In under an hour.

You'll just have to wait for me to do it

