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Your Commitment Must Be Stronger Than Your Feelings...

Your Commitment Must Be Stronger Than Your Feelings...

This was drilled into me early on, and it’s the driving force behind why we do the Unbreakable Front 9.


We commit. 


We push through. 


We do it every single day, no matter the excuses or distractions that arise. 


Because the truth is, there will be moments when you don’t feel like doing the work—the exact work that will get you the results you’ve been chasing. 


If you’ve set an Unbreakable Game, whether it’s cutting two strokes off your handicap or adding 15 yards to your 7-iron, you know there are specific actions you need to take daily to make that a reality.


Right now, the version of you—the skill set, the mindset—simply isn’t capable of achieving that goal. 


So, you set your Unbreakable Front 9, nine daily actions that transform you from who you are today into the person who can accomplish what you’ve set out to do.


There will be days when you don’t want to move. I face it, too. I wake up and wonder: 


Why am I doing this? 


What’s the point? 


Why record these podcasts? 


Why make these videos? 


Why coach people or send emails? 


What’s the point?


But here’s the thing: 


My commitment must surpass my feelings. 


My commitment to the Unbreakable Front 9 and my other targets isn’t negotiable. 


That’s why I use a powerful tool called the Switch Move—every single day.


When those internal stories creep up—the ones that tell you it’s easier to quit, to take a shortcut, to put things off—I flip the script with the Switch Move. 


It allows me to turn doubt into action, pushing past resistance and moving toward my targets.


Because, in the end, your feelings will try to overpower your commitment. 


You’ll feel like it’s just not worth it. 


But that’s where the game is won—when your commitment outweighs your mood. 


When you do what you said you would do, hit the actions you planned, and check them off at the end of the day, you become that better version of yourself.


Pre-planning your actions, avoiding the trap of letting the day dictate your moves, is the secret to becoming your version of Unbreakable.


My version of "unbreakable" might not be yours. 


The scores I put up might look broken to you, but it’s not about comparison.


We’re all playing our own game, with our own goals and challenges.


That’s why the Unbreakable Front 9 is so powerful. 


A simple, daily set of actions designed to move you from where you are now to where you want to be. 


Over time, these actions aren’t just tasks—they become fuel. 


They light a fire your belly. 


Soon, not doing them feels wrong, like forgetting to brush your teeth or skipping a meal.


So, let me ask you a couple of questions—something to think about, something to do.


Q1, where in your life are you letting your feelings take control, stopping you from doing the very things you know you need to do? Where are your feelings overriding your commitment?


Q2, what’s the one action you can start today to bring you closer to your goals—whether it’s in your mind, your body, or your golf? What’s the step that will give you the results you say you want?


If you're ready to learn this system, head over to


You can learn the frameworks for free and see if you want to work with me.


From there, take the action and move forward.

A Simple Key to Consistently Adding Power

A Simple Key to Consistently Adding Power

How to Consistently Build More Power... 

Consistency and power are the hallmarks of great golf for the guys on tour right, but.. 
Do you think achieving them requires more than practice?
Do you think it requires the right knowledge and training? 
Do you think it requires daily work? 
Are you confident you’re doing everything possible to build a swing that’s both powerful and consistent?
Here's another question. 
How can you be more consistent without doing the work consistently?
This stands for Do The Fxxxing Work Daily (the F word is edited not to get banned again, as I'm not sure if it was my swearing, my statements about politicians or how many genders there are) 
The point is, if you want to get better at something why wouldn't you do it daily? 
With the Unbreakable Golf Assessment, we’ll not only identify where you’re losing power but also help you create more consistent habits that help you improve daily. 
We’ll analyze if your body is affecting your technique, posture, and physical performance and offer personalized advice that can dramatically improve your power.
Why guess when you can know exactly what to work on? 
This is your chance to build a more powerful swing that you can rely on—every time you step onto the course because you #DTFWD
Ready to see the difference? 
Click here to book your FREE assessment today.

Learn How to Fix Your Biggest Golf Limitation

Learn How to Fix Your Biggest Golf Limitation

The Secret to Overcoming Your Known Golf Weakness. 


In Friday's email, I said about finding your biggest physical limitation in golf, if you were far too busy to read it then the recap is, 


It starts with an assessment to see where you are at right now. 


But if you know what's wrong and you see it cause you problems again and again, then why do you still have that problem? 


Knowing the problem is only half the battle right? 


The real question is: How do you fix it?


Do you have a customized plan to overcome it? 




Are you jumping from one social media video to another and seeing no real progress?


Whether it’s specific exercises for mobility or power, or a golf drill. 


A plan that is built specifically for you will be better than throwing stuff and seeing what sticks (some of it hits the fan) 


Imagine how much better your game could be if that one weakness were no longer holding you back. 


This is your chance to make that a reality—at no cost.


Don’t let your limitations define your game. 


Click below to schedule your FREE Online Golf Performance Assessment today and start your journey to a better game.

The Flintstones Motor

The Flintstones Motor

During the VID of Co I purchased a new motor, which was bought from a local garage. 

My thinking behind going to a garage was that if anything major goes wrong "at least it can be sorted on the warranty" and not have to worry about too much... 

2 months later, the air suspension drops to the floor the day before an airport run.. 

Think of a rap video from the '90s with a car bouncing up and down and that my friend is my motor. 

Now, this mystery fault is a sneaky sod and apparently only shows up when I have the motor and not at all when the garage has it for over a week. (very cunning this fault, very cunning), which means when I leave the garage, within a short time frame I'm hitting potholes like Fred Flintstone. 

And also this not covered on the warranty (who would have thought ah). 

So after taking it to the main dealer and them asking me to kindly "bend over" I have been left with a few options and with air suspension they ain't guaranteed to sort the issue, I have decided to rip the air suspension out and put in a normal one. 


I just want it sorted... And refuse to continue to add band-aids and want the issue sorted all together. 

See in this case it's the system that is the problem, and I want the peace of mind to know I can drive for as far and long as I need and not have the worry of breaking down. 

The same with my body... 

I was pissed off for years as my back would mess up my ability to play golf and my mind would mess up my ability to stay consistent, to getting better and improving,

So rather then giving up and trying something new, searching for the answer. 

Sometimes you just have to rip it out and start again.

Is your Body tight and feel like you can't swing the best you can?

Your confidence affecting your decision making causing more self-doubt? 

Eating shxt all the time and waiting till tomorrow to stop?

Maybe you just have to rip up what you have been doing that is not getting you what you want, try something new and finally get the results you desire. 

If you do what you've always done you will always have what you always got. 


You could do something different, learn something new and if you take the actions required you might succeed. 

Anyway, I've got to go shopping for some dinosaur food but if you want something new... 

It's here.

John Seton

Even Frodo's Feet Couldn't Hack It. 

Even Frodo's Feet Couldn't Hack It. 

Not sure if you've seen The Lord of the Rings films, but one Hobbit named Frodo goes on a long walk across land, water, rock and snow...

And he does this in bare feet, without a splinter or even a bit of lego causing him any pain on those un-shoed feet...

Not once does he catch his little toe while walking past an object that he knows was there... (no ironing boards left out unattended in those films).

The cold obviously doesn't bother him either as in all 3 films there is no mention of socks or slippers when things got a bit frosty.

But that would change if Frodo walked across my tiled floor in the middle of the night, as it can feel beyond cold-like walking across the arctic...

At one point, he would have to shoo the penguins away...

I do miss genuine English carpet covering all walkable surfaces leaving just the cold tiled floor for the bathroom..

That's the thing about being in a Spanish villa as opposed to an English House, you don't realise the simple things that you always rely on and old habits die hard...

It's the same with your body.

The flexibility and strength start to decline as you get older and if you are not taking measures to stop that you may find your body and your golf game out in the cold, with chilblains running through your shafts as you come up short on every green.

It might not be practical to lay a carpet down for your body, but you can certainly build more robust measures for keeping out the cold.

One way is here:

John Seton