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Quick Question

If you could ask me anything about
Unbreakable Golfers

What would it be?

Just hit reply

Wish You Were Here

Let’s be honest fella, unless you’re
playing golf today

Or getting some good loving

Or sitting on a beach thinking about how
cold it is back home

Then you should’ve been here with us,


Imagine making changes in your body and
instantly seeing how it benefits your golf

Flicking through the 62 page Unbreakable
Golfers yardage book.

And learning

And I stole this from Dr Perry Nickleston
(big fella in person)

“There’s two ways to learning, same old
sh*t and new cool sh*t”

And today we are sharing the new cool

Wanna register your interest for the next

Go here

John Seton

PS everyone wants to buy the stuff that
the pros use, why not start doing what the
pros do

Shakable Beliefs

Ever believe something 100% without any

You were completely unshakable on this
belief then all of a sudden something

I different perspective or some evidence
to show you that you could be wrong.

Then a bit more,

Now your unshakable belief is not so 100%

What happened?

You just created some doubt,

Enough for you to question your thoughts
and your beliefs.

Our thoughts become our beliefs, our
beliefs dictate our actions

And our actions dictate our results.

It’s like watching a film you don’t like
at the cinema and getting angry at the

If you don’t like what’s being shown on
the screen you don’t change the screen

You change the protection.

but how do you change the projection in

Get some doubt about the belief, Get some
evidence to support the opposite

What does that mean?

If you think you’re someone that can’t do

Your too old,

Too tired

Think back to a time when you were able to
do it.

Now you have some evidence of the

From here you ask a strategic set of
questions to get a different perspective.

The kind we will be covering at the sold
out Unbreakable Golfers event tomorrow.

Then just back it up with more evidence

You’ve just stated to change a certain

It may even be one that has held you back
for years

John Seton

PS Sound’s too simple? Take this quote
from Uncle Albert Einstein “Things should
be made as simple as possible but no

Not Sure What’s Wrong

You’re standing on the 3rd tee,

You’re already 2 shots behind the other
fella ,

You’re Not sure what’s wrong, you just
know that somethings not right.

I little bit of self doubt creeping in,

“Why did I rush that last shot”

The fella who’s leading confidently puts
his tee in the ground with the ball
already on it.

“Flash git”

He takes a small practice swing and then
nails it straight down the middle with a
slight draw.

In this situation how are you felling now.

What if there was a simple technique that
you could have been using instead.

Something to calm your mind and body
rather then over thinking everything.

What if you could do it while you were
walking TO the 3rd tee

Without anybody knowing.

And you can do it in any situation where
being calm and confident would BENEFIT

Something to stop the rage of launching
the phone in your hand

Or better yet when your mrs is pushing
your buttons

There is a way and I can show it to you

Just not this Friday

Cos Unbreakable Golfers has SOLD OUT

So the simple techniques that can help you
stay calm in the eye of a storm

Will have to wait till the next one.

But don’t let that stop you going here and
seeing what we do,

John Seton

PS If you change the story you continue to
tell yourself, to a better one.

One that helps you rather than hinders you
then You can change what you think is

You do that by creating doubt

More tomorrow......

Last Day

Lets be honest, If you were gonna sign up
for unbreakable golfers you would have by

Me telling you today is the last day to do
it wont matter.

Me telling you all the benefits you will
get from this day and how you can apply
them to

Your business

Your body

Your home life wont make any difference

Saying that is pointless

But if you have been on the fence or
living under a tree

You can grab the last spot here

See you on Friday