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2 In A Row

Something very odd happened on Sunday

And it had nothing to do with mothers day,

No what happend is Arsenal Football club
won another football match

Yep, not sure if you heard

But a football "team" in what had seemed
to be in name only, realised that passing
to the opposition is not in its best

Jumping for headers seemed to be

And (I'm not sure how they worked this one
out,) They realised that "defending" is
actually something you can do on a
football pitch and not just in a Sky

What happened ?

I wish we knew,

But the impression is that someone had
left the self destruct button at home

You know how it is

You convinced you've got everything

But when you get there, you check you
pocket and relise that the big red button
has been left by the front door.

Now here's a theory put together by the

They only had the Europa to play for so
motivated themselves for that, then..

That win in Milan built confidence for the
up coming epic battle V the mighty


Here is another theory put to me buy a pal
who was at the last loss V Man city

The players we getting stick themselves,

Not the manager

Not the Owners

Not the fans fighting each other
(seriously whats that about)

No the players who have under performed
more then normal

In his words "GOT PELTED"

Its easy to hide when the blame is on

But when its on you,

You try harder, put the effort in.

Anyone can apply this stuff,

Its all about getting the right amount of
leverage on yourself.

Thats it, have more reasons and REAL ones
at that, to do the required work.

It comes down to how your are motivated.

Most Fellas are happiest when making
progress but motivated by the sh*t hitting
the fan,

And you CAN make both posible for the same

John Seton

PS If you can find how you're motivated
you can use it for ANYTHING.

If you are motivated by deadlines use..

Self imposed deadlines..

How are you motivated? 

Advice For Jamie Carragher

Jamie, we all know getting beat by people
we hate is painfull

I've been pelted with bottles at a certain
away ground

And when that rage builds up it makes you
do stupid things

The types of things you regret

Like that time you through a coin into the
arsenal crowd

However there are ways you can stop
this rage building up, that costs you
money (or even maybe your job)

You see TRIGGERS, something that sets you
off down a path

Will always be there if you dont work on

And some non-hippy meditation will
significantly reduce your rection time to
those triggers

So when you're sitting there fuming


Cant think straight

If you can reduce your reaction time from,
thought of anger, to bad reaction

It stops you doing stupid things

We know what you're thinking jamie

You thinking if you lose your passion

Your rage

You will lose your boll*cks and your
oestrogen level will shoot up


Ask a world class boxer if rage, anger and
stupid decisions help him in the ring

They will tell you that being calm and
focused and able to asses the situation
when you're being punched in the face

will help you more

And you can still through punches back,
just calculated ones.

But guess what jamie

This stuff, can help your golf too

HOW you say?

Getting distracted and thinking about that
good score or worse, that last sh*t shot,
won't help you my friend.

If you think better you can be better

Plus, an added bonus in this is that in an
argument, when the enemy is losing their
sh*t and you're cool as a cucumber

It enrages them like nothing else,

So jamie, if you want to learn a simple
daily system that will help you be less
reactive as well as...

in better condition and also let you hit
the golf ball further

then here's where you go 

John Seton

PS Tension in the brain causes tension in the body

Tension in the body is not good for golf

Or driving while spitting


My Kids & A Real Lion

Its My boys birthday tomorrow

And Saturday we went to Port lymph (which
by the way is excellent)

When we were at the lion enclosure, one of
the lions was just staring at my kids from
his hut,

Staring for ages, and because they were in
their huts everybody else walked away,
leaving the glass free for me and my two
kids to just stand there.

Then this lion (that must had thought my
kids looked like a good lunch) walked out
of it's hut and calmly walked up to the

It jumped up to the glass like a house cat
would and scratched on the glass right
infront of my 3 year old daughters face

Both of them cracking up laughing

My boy being a bit more aware took a back
step ( must get that from his granddads
uneasiness around dogs) but was still

The best bit is my wife got the whole
thing on video

I was closer to the glass than my Mrs, so
the video was actually a better view of
what happened

Sometimes you are too close to something
and may need a diffrent point of view

Thats what assessment is all about,

Most people can tell you that they know
what their problem is, like...

Their hamstings are tight (most of the
time they're not by the way they're just
over worked), so they try to stretch them

but an assessment will tell you whats
really happening and why.

Having a different point of view, a
diffrent set of eyes looking at something
you are too close to see...

can change everything

So get a different perspective of things
you are convinced of.

It will give you an...

"opinion for thinking differently"

If you want your body as well as you swing

Then you will get thet here 

John Seton

South Park, Crack Coffee & The VAT Man

Being happy by ducking the vat man,

But to find out why you need to check out
these emails

Recap of this week fella

Monday "Smell My Brains"

Tuesday "Why We Procrastinate"

Wednesday "When Motivations gone"

Thursday "Sukk my balls Mr Garrison"

Friday "Pay Yourself First Not others"

Saturday "Painful Meeting"

For Unbreakable Golfers 

Go here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Or questions to

See you tomorrow

Golf Performance Therapy & Golf Fitness

Painful Meeting

Had a painful “go to meeting” yesterday

Not sure if you’ve used this but it’s
basically a meeting on your computer

It was a frustrating , coffee-less
training to install some software

And it had to go on my accounts persons

We had issue after issue trying to get
this set up

Actually I was about as organized as a
monkey sh*t fight at the zoo

That’s what happens when you use someone
else’s stuff and don’t plan.

Different browsers, files, security

this thing was a cluster mess up and years
ago my fist would have gone through the
screen, leaving an angry but satisfied
look on my face

But it was a case of just think of England
and get through it and now it’s set up

Point is it’s always easier when it’s our
own stuff

When it’s built for you, your strengths
and weaknesses that’s where you can excel

So if you want to be better

Use something that’s build for you

You wouldn’t want to use your kids golf

Then why would you use someone else’s
plan, something built for them

Progression happens when you do stuff
that’s in the sweet spot of too hard and
too easy

And it must be designed for you

Too easy and you won’t learn

Too hard and you won’t progress

To have a plan built for you that will
change what you thinks possible, then have
a look at this 

John Seton