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Training From Sonic

Believe it or not I'm a bit of a tech-tard

up until I started my first company, a
computer was something you played Sonic
the hedgehog and EA hockey on.

And that was my only training on them

A pc, well sitting in front of one was
as terrifying as a walk after a win down
seven sisters

(Nervous energy and ready to punch)

but I had to step up for business,

Learnt some stuff,

Messed up a sh*t load more.

so when it came to having my sites built,

I over paid to have them done quickly and
professionally, but it was up and
running... rapido.

When it comes to problems such as, site
host ect..

Having customer support is absolutely key,

Sometimes the info you get is like a
different language but still

Having acces to someone who knows more
than me is vital to getting what needs
doing, done

So when any, of the Unbreakable Golfers
had any issues

They got in touch (as part of their plan)

Had access to my info to help them for 28
days after.

Now, I dont know everything

I like live by the idea that if I'm the
smartest guy in the room

Then I'm in the wrong room

But I have been studied this stuff
intensely since feb 2011

And more "Importantly" unlike my
competition have tested this sh*t on

And dont teach anything I dont personally
do or have at least had results with

If you want access to me now, you get that
through Unbreakable Golfers

And guess what? you can get that through
this link 

Happy Saturday

John "Not Joh" Seton

The 3 Most Important Things

Today it was kind of difficult to get

Not because of being tired or unmotivated

Because there was just "too much to do" (I
was off yesterday)

When that happens it leads to overwhelm,
or at least the story of overwhelm,

However overwhelm is just a lack of
clarity and the "3 most important list"
can show you why.

I think this comes from the 7 habits
book,(and its actually the 6 most
important things) but I cant remember

When you have "too much to do" all you
need is a pen and paper, I know you've
herd this before but you need to be told

So what I did was list the 6 most
important things that need to be done in
my business

Numbered them in order of the most

Cut it to 3

Then decided to work only on number 1,

All distractions that came could be delt
with if needed BUT you cant move on to
numbers 2 to 3 until number one is

What happens is you have FOCUS and when
its done, you can pat yourself on the balls
(or the back if you prefer) on a job well

Then you move on to the second most
important thing

What happens if you dont finish number 1?

It doesn't matter because you defiantly
wouldn't have hit it if you were focusing
on all things and being overwhelmed

At worst you have just learnt that "next
time" you need more time for that specific

Get focused by getting clarity

Get clarity by removing distractions and
the story of overwhelm

If you want to know how to do this for
your golf and your body

Then Unbreakable Golfers will help you 

Joh seton 

10 Cool Rules To Live By

I wouldn’t call them commandments more
like guide lines to live by for golfers
with kids that run their own businesses.

10 rules to live by which you can
implement immediately

1) Pay yourself first, with time and money

2) Only compare yourself to yourself by
trying to be better than yesterday

3) Invest “in” yourself not just in
“things” for yourself

4) Be more consistent than your

5) Stick to “your” principles.

6) Have a well thought-out strategic
action plan

7) Be ruthlessly committed to that plan

8) Don’t lie to yourself

9) Focus on mastering the fundamentals

10) Keep Score of what you “can” control

That’s it 10 simply rules that will change
the way you improve yourself

I personally use these but.....

Like anything that works, You can apply
this code to anything

however if you need more

Go here  

John Seton

The Wrong Notification

Is there anything worse than that

Wether you get the notification via email,

By calling up...or...

Turning up without knowing for sure

COURSE CLOSED is the killer,

You thought it might be, hoped it wasn't,
but yes snow, in what is pretty much
easter had closed courses everywhere

It's to protect the coures so golfers have
better courses to play all year round

It's still proper frustrating.

Why though, when we are notified, are we
told "The club house is still open"

That message surly can only be for staff.

Or fellas that need any excuse to get out
of the house,

Point is for me the clubhouse is something
that sandwiches the course

You go in before, and after the round but
its not the "Filling",

Its like ordering a toasted bacon sandwich
with brown sauce and a spinkle of quality
pepper but be given...

Two slices of bread,

And not having the decency to put any
butter on it.


There are somethings that are completely
out of our control,


Jose Mourinhos smug face,

Staff that never do it as good as you and
of course

The weather,

There is only one thing you can control

And that is your attitude.

Your reaction to the nuisances of those
around you and....

your focus of what to do about it

If you wanna know exactly what I do in
theses situation

Then I'll show you the exact blueprint

John Seton

The Why

After a sh*t day on Sunday,

I got back on track by getting back into
the flow with a simple system.

For me thats a 5.15 start and to be honest
snooze was hit,

However, because I'd planned my week,
(something done every Sunday night)
getting up was possible due the my real

Didn't fancy it, but when you have 11 days
left to hit your targets, staying in bed
is not an option.

However by being consistent to my "Morning
system" it meant flying into the day and
seriously back into flow.

Having enough reasons (real reasons, which
I'll cover in a minute) gives you enough
leverage to talk yourself out of the sh*t

So what are the real reasons behind what
you do?

Well…. In selling they say the first
reason is not the real reason..

Its the same in all forms of coaching too.

So finding the WHY is the key to
motivation and its slightly more difficult
than you think.

Quick example...

A fella comes to see a fitness person and
says "I just want to BE more healthy"
without asking the right questions this
person will probably not stick it out.

For me a powerful question here would

"If you only could chose one, would you
rather, BE healthier or LOOK healthier".

The "Why" for success would be completely
different even if everything else was the

It would be pointless telling someone who
wants to look healthier that eating this
food will help your digestion.

Compared to

The same food will "Be difficult for your
Mrs to keep her hands off you"

When it comes down to picking the hard
option over the easy option you need.....

Powerful WHY.

The why is what will keep you consistant
when every thought in your mind is telling
you its not worth the time or effort.

And you find the why by asking the "RIGHT"

If you wanna find your why to staying
consistent then maybe you should go here  

If not just find what you really WANT.

John Seton