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Now, You Should Have Had An Email This Morning

Now, you should have had an email this morning

But I was busy,

You should have got it before the work day was over

But I was busy,

There should be more information in this email then there is

But Ive been busy,

But you have it now and with it one of the best lessons I ever darn got taught by a mentor and that is.....

Sometimes you just have to show up.

When you don’t feel like it...

When you too busy...

When it’s the last thing on a long list of things to do..

But sometimes... just showing up is enough to build momentum or keep consistency...

So tomorrow on what ever you wanna Improve...just...

Show up and take it from there.

Nice one

1 To 5 Reasons To Join Unbreakable

The following is just a couple of things that will happen to your body, golf and mindset

All in just 28 days (if you willing to do the work)

1) Energy- You will know what foods power you into the day rather then reaching for coffee as soon as you open our eyes.

(Side note ...I love coffee... if it ever got outlawed I would be in the back streets of kings cross getting my fix.

But it should be a tool not as dependent as air....)

2) Better balance - you will be able to feel secure and powerful in your swing

3) Calmer- You may not throw clubs but you will be less reactive, be able to think clearer and make better decisions

4) Weight loss- this is part of the manual and not something all golfers want BUT there is a full 6 month training plan available for you to take a way and change EVERTHING about your body.

5) Confidence- With all the bravado and posturing most of you would think that no fella lacks confidence.... but Those that do, will gain massive amounts of confidence just from this experience

If you don’t want any of the above that’s cool fella....

I’ll let you know some other reasons to sign up soon 

John Seton 

Critics & Bruce Lee Death

Critics & Bruce Lee Death

Quick recap for the week.

Monday " Nothing Is Imposible"

Tuesday " Threenager "

Wednesday " Exploding D1ck "

Thursday " Indecision Is  A Killer "

Friday " Bruce "

Saturday " The Best Long Quote" 

For Unbreakable Golfers  

Go here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Or questions to

The Best Long Quote

The following quote is most often used if I believe I’m gonna do something that may bring criticism.

However, we are ALL our own worst critics...

So if you are more likely to criticize yourself...

Talk yourself out of something because you don’t believe you can do it then....

Think of that target when you read this quote...

It is not the critic who counts; 

not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, 

or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. 

The credit belongs to the man who is ACTUALLY in the arena, 

whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; 

who strives valiantly; 

who errs, who comes short AGAIN and AGAIN, 

because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; 

but who does actually strive to do the deeds; 

who knows great enthusiasms, 

the great devotions; 

who spends himself in a WORTHY cause; 

who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, 

and who at the worst, if he fails, 

at least fails while DARING greatly, 

so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know VICTORY nor DEFEAT.

Powerful shit right

Play to win defo, but you must at least play the game



Here is a quick story that was sent to me about how bruce lee died, 

From an interview with Chuck Noris..

Was it the mafia?

Did he go undercover as suggested by the IT fella in the Office?

It seems the answer was a lot simpler than that.

But thats pretty much always the case.

We will pick complex over simplicity for two reasons..

One, complex sounds cool and who doesn't like new cool stuff..

Two, if its complex theres a good story attached to it if we cant understant it or complete it.

If possible always go for simple...

You can stay consistent with simple

Here the story from Chuck Noris here 

And if you want to learn a simple way to bigger, better results

then you go here 

John Seton