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You Need Something Different

We are our habits right?

We eat at the same times each day, 

Sleep and wake up at the same times,

Get pissed off by the same things, 

Make the same mistakes,

List the same things that we’ll start next Monday but they’re the same things we’ve been talking about starting for ages.

We need something different...

Just because you do something different doesn’t MEAN it will be better,
but you have to do something different to GET something better

Even Uncle Albert Einstein said this and I’m paraphrasing:

“You can’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it”

And let’s be honest, he may have been a poor sailor but he know a thing or too about stuff...

not bad for a fella out of Peckham..

So here’s the question.....

Want to change what you eat?

How your body feels?

The level of results your body can actually get?

Do something different...

You have to find that something that will help you grow, get better and progress.

We are happiest when we are making PROGRESS.

So do something different today and don’t Wait till Monday...

If you want something different that will be better than what you’ve done before..

Then go here

Happy Friday 

The Truth Behind My Training

Why I Started Training?

I’ll be honest I wanted to look better,

I felt that I’d let myself go as soon as the kids came along

But the reason I’ve kept training is for power,

The fact is I’m a happier fella when in shape,

I have more energy now,

And with that (and here’s something that most people won’t tell you)

I make more money because of training

Who would have thought it, right.....

If we start to eat shit and do less it effects our PRODUCTIVITY...

And leads to more sedation.... which leads to less productivity.. which leads.

You get the point

And guess what, our ability to produce has a direct impact on our results In other areas of our life that we don’t think of

That’s why the golf mob works,

Because your ability to overcome fear, doubt and pushing through the barrier effects all areas of your life

Not just your waist line

Unfortunately the only way anyone can get hold of the golf mob plan now is by being part of unbreakable

So if your want more than just being able to buy smaller waist golf trousers

Maybe unbreakable is for you

John Seton

Diets That Slowly Kill Your Soul

You’ve seen em

The healthy eating plans that are a little, what would you call it .......


Eat only this

At only this time, 

Chew this food 15 times before swallowing (ok maybe that’s a bit over kill)

Do not deviate from the plan, 

You can’t eat out, 

Your the one that says I can’t eat at that restaurant,

And a beer, you can forget about it.

I’ve even seen some that praise that you can have a slice of toast after 3 days

3 days…………

Stick your toast up your ass I say

For me a slice of toast should have bacon on the side, so I can place that freshly cooked bacon (not microwaved like every cafe(a) in the west end) in the toast, ad some pepper.......

Fold that bitch in half and eat it with no plate

Now let’s be 100% clear for those that may not get this

Clean eating wins every time and will give you more power but...

Some foods just taste GOOD

I’ve never met a man who doesn’t like a bacon sandwich

if your goal is fat loss you can have your favorite foods and still get the results you want

It comes down to two simple facts

Portion control


A calorie deficit

That is it..........

You may have to reduce the latte’s

You may have to stop finishing the kids dinners

You may have to have half a chocolate bar out of the pro shop

But you can have a beer and a burger if you a aware of what your body needs and CHANGE the habits that keep you stuck

Eat for POWER

And as luck would have it

We do exactly that here

John Seton

Now Here’s A Quick Story About Bill

Bill was struggling with his weight,

Bill was always a certain weight and always active,

But Bill was a bit of a piss head...

Not in the bad sense but in the sense as a typical Englishman,

Weekend sessions,

(Weekends started on a Thursday)

And the occasional summers night booze.

Or of course... Monday Club

But bill then thought having all that fun, freedom and sleeping in when he wanted was just not cutting it

So bill got married and had kids.

Bill stated drinking less but somehow started to gain weight

Bill noticed all the other dads at the kids party’s had the same issues and the same struggles...

Bill tried most diets that’s came out in the newspaper or whatever his Mrs was trying.

Unfortunately what Bill didn’t understand was that he didn’t look at the cold FACTs

You see the facts can’t be looked at with emotion,

Because emotion can cloud judgment.

What Bill didn’t understand was that he had

1 Got older ....... yep he didn’t see that one coming,

So his body had changed and needed a different approach if he wanted to get the results he thought he should... and

2 he’s recovery had changed...

You see what happens is that when you get quality rest, certain hormones are released that help with weight loss and….

What you do prior to rest can significantly change the QUALITY of the sleep

There was a lot of other stuff that bill did as a dad, not to mention running his own business.

If only bill knew about unbreakable, a Golf performance system that is built for the man who has no extra time to do anything,

let alone learn all the cool sh*t the worlds best are doing to stay that bit younger and healthier

Now Bill is not a specific persons but Bill was exactly like me, 

If you're not like bill then unbreakable is not for you.... but if you are

John Seton


Now, there was a time we could randomly spurt obscene words,

Sing lyrics of songs and watch Pulp Fiction during the day

But with kids, with minds like sponges and the ability to pick the wrong naughty word out of any sentence...

that has all changed

Now we have to talk in abbreviations,

“Shall we go to the P.A.R.k

But sometimes the abbreviation is the trigger or code that is universally understood by everyone who hears it

So you can’t use them either as the kids could copy them like...

The M.F.P (the mother f police)

See you next Tuesday (c what I did there)

And because of that the abbreviation has a powerful meaning...

A trigger

This comes down to emotion (how the word makes people feel) and can upset people

These triggers are like a scratch on a record (vinyl of course) and it jumps back to a place and time in your subconscious

Take the following words...






If you were to say “I am” before those words and it “triggered” you then you have an emotional charge to that word.

It means it can be thrown at you and you could lose your sheeeet...

But here’s the weird thing..

Most fellas will say their trigger words in their head to themselves while trying to play golf

and how can that be helpful when you’re tying to do something difficult.

You must learn to deal with the trigger

Deal with the trigger so it won’t bother you anymore.

A great resource on this is anything by Mark Divine

Or you could just go here

John Seton