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Golf Performance

Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 7

Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 7

Be ruthlessly committed to the plan, 

"You don't get what you want, you don't get what you deserve, you don't get what you need, you only get what you are ruthlessly f*cking COMMITTED to"
Garret J White.

Waking up and aimlessly just getting through the day was what I used to do. 

The alarm goes off or the kids wake you up first, and it would be a case of just another day of work to get through. 

Busy, but not getting anywhere.

Putting out fires all day and then wait for the day to finish, but… 

That's not growing that is just existing, and we are happiest when MAKING progress. 

Do you have a plan?

A strategic, well thought out "Hannibal cigar smith" plan that you have a reason to stay committed to. 

Here’s the best bit, “IF” you stay committed to that plan (and check in's to see if you are on course)

It's impossible to NOT make progress.

You can walk a marathon by just taking steps and head in the right direction. (your time would be awful but you’d get it done)

Staying committed to the plan is the hard bit though aint it fella.

How can you stay consistent, especially when every one around you isn't committed to doing anything other than getting through the day. 

How many people do you know that have a target, a plan and stay consistent to it. 

Heres a little secret "just showing up each day however little is an easy way to stay consistent".

Let's say you decide to work on your putting stroke (I know I need to), you plan to hit 3 Putts in your living room every day.

it would take you maximum of 5 minutes (that includes getting the putter, finding the right golf ball)

How good would you be in a year if you done that EVERY day.

But what happens is you will start to believe your thoughts of:

”This isn't doing anything”,

”Not a real green so doesn't count”

”It's not working” and then you.....


Give up and look for something else to try to get the same result until you stop doing that.

You don't even believe that you gave up, you just miss one day and then never start again. 

Here’s an idea why not just stop stopping.. 

Why not have a plan that you can follow every day regardless of how you feel or how busy you are and just stay consistent to it. 

If you know the night before, what you have to do the next day, it makes things so much simpler. 

Set targets, stay consistent, stop stopping. 

If you want a simple plan that works on and off the golf course then this training I put together for the Kent golf team might work for you, if….

You can be consistent, can follow a plan and can think for yourself.

If thats you, the link is below… 

Nice one 

John Seton

Baileys and Cherryade.

Baileys and Cherryade.

Not sure if you remember some of Delboy (from Only fools and horses) drinks but one of them was, 

Bailey’s and Cherryade. 

Taking two completely different things and merging them to get a result.

I have no idea what Baileys and Cherryade would taste like but I imagine it would seem odd. 

It got Delboy what he wanted, to stand out and be different. 

In golf, everyone just does the same stuff, and you know exactly what I’m talking about. 

In fitness, people will try some crazy stuff just to stand out and to try something different. 

But really,  it's all about the "right" result. 

A big problem most golfers have is they make the same mistakes not just in golf but in whatever it is they are trying to get better at. 

One of those problems would be doing the same thing over and over and over again, and getting the same mediocre results and then blaming it on the wrong thing. 

And this can cause you to lose motivation and repeat that pattern in everything else you do. 

You lack the energy to be on point for your business as well as your family, and can blame one for being the reason (or the excuse) that you can't get the desired result you want in the other. 

What would be possible for you if you were to finally sort that out, finally find a way to know what the biggest issue is and fix the shit out of it. 

And, if you can find something that also helps your golf and makes you actually perform better then, get cracking my son.

As luck would av-it the online Golfmob not only teaches you how to find your biggest limitation but it also lays out the simple plan to fix it. 

The February sign up is fast approaching, 

If you are interested in fixing this, then go here. 

Nice one. 

John Seton

Unbreakable Golfers Rule 10

Unbreakable Golfers Rule 10

"Keep score on what YOU can control"

Here's a little secret...

Keeping score is the most important thing a man can do...


I am about to tell you but before we go into that let's see if you remember a few things,

When we were kids (and I use WE as me and you fella) we kept score on everything...

From who scored the most goals at lunchtime, 

To how much we could eat, 

We kept score on everything. 

Keeping score is the first of two powerful things you can do to keep yourself accountable.

And the second powerful thing is competing against something else that is the benchmark of the same game you are playing. 

I'm not a smoker,

But many of my pals are, if they give up they can tell you how many days its been since they had a fag, 

That IS keeping score...

It's internal, something we all did as kids but two things happened that stopped this.

One... We are told/learnt that keeping score is showing off so we stopped doing it.

Two.. we tell ourselves that keeping score doesn't matter (but only if we fail or think we WILL fail)

But here's the belter, 

In golf with your HANDICAP, we get to compete with other golfers, other scores in a fair game.

Other players with different abilities and skills, but we play on a level playing field because of the handicap system. (depending on how many bandits there are, and we all know a few)

If we keep score of what we CAN control and not what is out of our hands we can stay consistent and motivated.

Here's the subtle difference on what we can and can't control.

We can't control the outcome but we can control the process.

Let me spit some examples.

Putting ...

We can't control where the ball finishes but we can control where it starts if we practice putting.

Fitness ... 

We can't control how much weight we lose (no matter what horse shit you here, the body is always adapting to the demands we put on it) but we can control if we exercise every single day. 

Focusing on what we can control (the process) and not the outcome means you can score it.

"Did I Do X today, YES or NO" No stories of why we couldn't, not reasons or excuses just a simple yes or no. 

By focusing on what you can control, you can make it a fair game, a game we think we can win. 

And if we think we CAN win we will TRY to win.

Writing the score that is not good enough down is what motivates us to do better.

Returning a scorecard in a tough round of golf of 22 points when it seems everyone else scored in the '30s is embarrassing but motivating to be better next time. 

Motivation to get better comes from this pain.

This statement from Unstoppable B*stard Paul Mort is the reason to always keep score.

"If you lack the courage to keep score you will continue to justify your lack of results" Yep, it felt painful when I heard it too. 

Play a game and keep score. 

If you wanna know what game we play, 

A game that helps us with our fitness, 

Our golf and being pain-free while trying to hit the cover off of our ball?

Then go here. 

Either way, what I want you to do next is... 

1) Decide what the one thing is you are struggling with and find a way to score it. 

2) Try to beat that score today and then again tomorrow. 

Nice one

John Seton

Only, when you see progress.

Only, when you see progress.

Not sure if you’ve been watching the recent resurgence at Arsenal football club. But what you notice is that the fans are happy.

It might look to people on the outside that this happiness comes from liking mediocrity.

What’s really going on is we can see "progress".

In the years under "le boss", even though things seem better on results, There was a feeling that there wasn’t progress as it was the same every year.

A real-life version of Groundhog Day. Under the last manager, it seemed to be 11 men throwing the self destruct button to each other like a hot potato.

Seeing the same thing over and over again, it was true unhappiness and frustration at not seeing any progress. 

With a new manager, we can see progress, an idea that’s being formed, a plan, a blueprint...

Progress becomes an inspiration and keeps people focused rather than wanting to put your foot through the tele...

What does any of this have to do with golf? We'll my inpatient club thrower (not seen that for years but would love to witness an angry golfer launching a club at a tree) 

If we are making progress that’s when we are happy.

It doesn’t matter if your 2nd, 5th of 17th 

The progress is where vision and excitement is... 

If you can’t see any progress you lose focus and with that lack of focus lose the desire to keep going. 

But progress however small (could even be as small as not saying 'I always do that on this hole"). Then that’s where you have happiness. 

If you are currently not seeing the results you want in your golf it’s probably because you are not making progress or you are not aware of the progress you are making (if your consistent it’s more likely this) 

What’s your starting point?

Where do you want to end up?

What's the plan?

Are you making progress?

If you can see the progress you will be happy or at least inspired to keep going, 

If not, 

You will throw in the towel. 

Wanna know what we do... 

For fat loss and distance it’s the Golfmob. 

For injury, pain, anger and serious lack of focus, its Unbreakable Golfers 

What you could do next is...

  1. Find a way to check you are making progress in whatever it is you are struggling with,

  2. Build a plan of action,  

  3. Take consistent actions on that plan until there is no more progress 

  4. Build a better plan. 

If that’s golf performance it starts here... 

Nice one.. 

Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 2

Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 2

"Only Compare Yourself to Yourself"

This gives you an option and focuses on growth rather than….

"The Game Of Comparison For The Weak"

(Can’t remember where I got that from, and when that happens I generally Credit either Ben Settle, Garrett J White or Paul Mort as over the years they have planted seeds in my brain that I can't stop growing) 


That’s when you compare yourself to those worse than you, just…

To feel better.

“At least I ain’t as bad as him”.

I used to use this in my failures

But it doesn’t help you grow, Not even a tiny bit,

Then there is the worst way to do it, comparing yourself to those better than you can be a problem too.


Example... the Facebook newsfeed.

You’re grafting, working a 16-hour session and struggling, still waiting for a client to pay you.

You see a Facebook post, of someone on holiday with their kids, you may feel guilty that you’ve been working so hard and not seen yours.

The fact is by using Rule 2

"Only Comparing Yourself To Yourself"

You can control the game.

You have a gauge of "Did I Improve On Yesterday"

If not, "Can I Be Better Tomorrow".

This puts you firmly in control of your goals, targets and outcomes and...

Stops you blaming others.

If its someone else's fault (Another Unbreakable Rule), you can't do anything about it can you, but….

If YOU are in control, YOU can fix it, 

You do that by trying to be better than yesterday, last week, last month, last year

Consistently improving.

If you play against yourself (instead of with yourself) you can actually grow.

So stop beating yourself up and just...

Beat yourself. (Get your mind out of the gutter)

We are all trying to either get better at Golf, 



Health and be better at staying calm under pressure while keeping a smile on our faces and you can do that by keeping score.

Wanna know more and to get on the early notification list then go here ... 

The Online version ain’t ready ( shit take time man), but if you wanna be notified then fill out your details. 

John Seton