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Weight loss for golfers

The $10K Ferrari

The $10K Ferrari

This is what happens when you have an inner thermostat of value.

I've been reading the updated version of Dotcom secrets and in it is the following statement

"If I said you could buy these shoes for $10K, you would probably say you don't have the money. But, if I told you there is a $100K Ferrari outside that you could have for $10K you would somehow find the money"

As well as the actual value there are different ranges of what people see as valuable and it's all about perception.

I paid well above what most golfers would for my Scottie Cameron and loved it when I bought it and still do.

My putting stats didn't change, however since then I have never considered another putter.

It was something I wanted, (The specific one) and you might have to claw it out of my dead cold hands to get me to part with it (seeing the kids pick it up is enough to fill my shorts).

To me I got value cos it was the one I wanted and had to wait a while for it.

The value you get from something comes down to how you see the world and what it either gives you in results or in status (the way it makes you feel)

I have other putters but I couldn’t tell you where they are.

Now how are we gonna link all of this to your body.

Let's say what you've been eating since the start of the virus hasn't helped you. Probably made you more tired more frustrated and more addicted to eating shit.

Maybe you've noticed an increase in your Terence Trent Derby like I did.

The way you can turn this around is to add so much value to the outcome, that you will perceive the effort to be worth it and find a way to stay consistent.

Like with the Ferrari you find away because the "Value" that you will get from looking after yourself will give you more energy, more power, more confidence and the results you want.

What I want you to do next is list all the benefits you would get for getting in your best shape in years...

After that do something "Today" that starts that commitment.

Don't wait till "Monday" or even tomorrow.

Do something now, then find a plan and stick to it as it will be your first commitment.

If getting results in your body as well as your golf is the target, then I might just have the answer, and that would be clicking this link..

John Seton

Nice One

Cussing Golfers Out With Science.

Cussing Golfers Out With Science.

Not sure if you grew up “cussing” but it means insulting, and I ain’t heard it for years.

And I got some great ways to give golfers abuse from my son's science lesson. (for the record, I hated school and had/have a real problem with authority)

Heres a couple

“The invertebrate” = No backbone, he's the guy that's always laying up.

“The reptile” = Cold-blooded, he’s the fella that will never say “good shot”

“The amphibian”  = vulnerable to dehydration, always pissing in the trees

“The Fish” = Pretty obvious, this guy will always be in the water

Anyway, that's enough cussing out for today, the point is I hated school, and used to spend most of my time getting through the day with things like the above and thought I hated learning. But found once I left school that if I studied something I like I would be engaged, and so it is with fitness,

some people love fitness, and most of them ain't golfers,

So for the average golfer to get better results in his body he has to link it to something that engages him, and his mind to keep going and not give up.

If you ain't currently where you want to be in your body it's down to one of two things

1) You don't care enough

2) You don't know enough

Either way, you can get results by leveraging the two above, if you don't care, link the outcome to something you do care about (Like an event of some sort).

If you don't know enough then learn, just make sure you study stuff with proven results.

The best way to get real, long-lasting results is to do BOTH

Link it to something you CARE ABOUT and make it as simple as possible so you know it works and you can stick to it when you don't feel motivated.

Do these two things and you will get results, it's inevitable

If that happens to be looking and feeling better while knocking the cover off the golf ball then you can do that by getting the foundation training FREE, just click below.

John Seton 

Nice one. 

Just like the Guy In-charge Of The Stag do

Just like the Guy In-charge Of The Stag do

They are all just like the guy in charge of the stag do. 

We've all been on them, and some of us have been in charge of them. 

And that's how I think all governments across the world have been acting like, 

You see the guy that plans the stag do is supposed to have all the answers, 

all the info 

Know where all the best places to go are, 

And has to do all of that without even being there before himself. 

He has to deal with constant info like "this is shit, didn't you plan for this"

Where are we going next, etc 

If anything goes wrong it's his fault, and constant quotes from Mr "we should have done X Y Z"

That is probably how all governments are at this moment.  

Trying to pretend they have everything under control when they ain't got a clue whats going on. 

If they had been through this before, gotten big ass results and proof of what works and doesn't they would be looking much better today. 

But that's not the case 

It's much easier to get results from something that's proven, you know it works and has worked for everyone who has implemented as instructed. 

And with that, that's what you have at the bottom of this page.

A full-proof system for getting results (If you implement as instructed of course) and once done you will be the guy in charge of the stag do who's been there 10 times before... 

And for a very limited time, you can have the full foundation for free, but don't dilly dally, this offer ain't gonna be around for long. 

So grab it lively before its removed quicker them the open sign in the local pub. 

John Seton 

Nice One 

Be Like George 

Be Like George 

He’d heard the stories of what was going on, and the fear that was being caused, and had obviously had enough. 

He didn’t hang about, time was of the essence. 

He grabbed his weapon (not sure if it was a lance or a sword) jumped on his horse and went double lively after the dragon, doing him in the neck good and proper. 

Job done.. 

No sitting about waiting to see how things play out, 

No excuse making that George Jr was at home and he was stressed, 

No ideas of time when he had more time available then ever before, just a case of 

Here is the problem, this is what I’m gonna do about it, 

And then action.... 

Be like George. 

Maybe today, the 23rd of April is the day that excuses get put to bed, and you need to slay the biggest problem you are facing right now. 

If it’s using Golf and weight loss coupled together with GolfStacking 

It’s here

Happy St Georges Day 

John Seton

Nice one

A Case Against Reducing Calories.

A Case Against Reducing Calories.

One thing this lockdown has increased, is the consumption of all those foods people ain’t supposed to eat.

The crisps,

The biscuits,

The chocolate,

And of course the booze, (saw this in a Facebook group. “Can anyone recommend a good morning beer”. Quality), or anything that people eat and then beat themselves up for eating it afterwards.

So most people will be looking to cut calories this week (or at least thinking about it) but,

Why reduce calories without knowing how much someone needs to eat to not be


worn out or


What if reducing calories is the “last thing” someone needs right now, because it's the food or the booze that's keeping them sane and stopping them going crazy.

We need to work back from what the target is… Is it to feel better or look better.


The GolfMob is about weight loss and distance, whereas Unbreakable Golfers is about power and energy.

You can have all of the above results, but if you chase two targets you can be pulled into different directions.

Most people need to eat more specific foods for power and energy and eat the right amount (for them) for weight loss.

The difference is subtle but the results can also be dramatic.

Will you be adding stress or removing it?

Think of it like this,

You can only get results if you are CONSISTENT and you can only be consistent if you are COMMITTED.

You cant be committed if you don't know what to do from day to day and what the long term target is.

Your commitment comes from a clarity of knowing what to do and a desire to go after what you want without doubt or excuse.

If you want to have results it comes from having a plan to follow and you can stick to on your  WORST DAY.

When you don't feel like it,

When you are stressed and can't get away and,

Feel like you just want to give up because it's not worth it.

You can't be fully committed to a negative target, eventually, you will give up and that just adds to the story that “you can't do it”.

Here’s a suggestion, find something you can be committed to, Something that makes you want to get better.

Something you can use to keep you motivated when everyone else is telling you not to bother, which is more about them than you. (this can be because if you have success, it shows up their failure to not do the work needed)

If you can't be committed it's not "if" but "when" you give up take time off and start again.

The GolfMob has the simplest eating plan you can find, it's based around four fundamentals, that if you can't stick to then it's just your commitment.

If you are committed, you can get the following FREE here

But act fast, as continuing to do the same things, will only get you the same results.

John Seton

Nice one