Weight loss system designed for busy golfers.


The only fat loss program that adds distance to your full swing is coming online soon.


The Benefits of a Golf Specific Weight Loss Plan

  • DISCOVER How Busy Golfers Can Dramatically Increase How Far They Smash The Golf Ball While Shedding Fat, Getting Stronger And Exploding Their Energy (In Just 28 Days)

  • In this 28 DAY TRANSFORMATION you’ll become more POWERFUL and Increase your distance so that you can out hit your pals with every club and have them asking how you’re doing it.

  • Finally stop the excuses about why you don’t have enough time to look after yourself and start taking action.

  • Follow the Golf Specific body assessment and earn your own golf Fitness handicap so that you can monitor your improvement with regards to your golf while finding and fixing your physical limitations.

  • Stop waking up exhausted and not having the energy to do what you plan or being unmotivated to hit your targets.

  • Make those long par 4's your new best friend with a bigger jump in distance and more flexibility than you've had in years so that you can keep up with the younger guys.

  • Get in your best shape in years with only 2 x 40 minute sessions a week that fits into any busy schedule regardless of work and family commitments

  • Who else wants to Better their golf while looking fitter, healthier and turning back the years in their body regardless of age.

  • Finally stop looking older then you are and take the right steps to actually start looking younger.

  • Impress those around you with how much energy and confidence you have by taking on challenges that used to be too difficult.

  • Get accountability so that you never want to give up and you ALWAYS want to get better.

  • Learn what to eat on and off the golf course so that you are always full of energy and ready to go.

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