Stand out from your competition…….
If you really want to have more golfers than you have time slots, then forget “more certifications” and focus on marketing yourself better.
Be shown exactly what the most successful marketers do and how you can apply it, including:
A simple way of thinking that removes that uncomfortable feeling when selling what you have. (probably the most valuable tip in this whole series). Video 3.
What the online marketers with the best results do and why this simple formula can add MORE clients and repeat buyers to your programs, (on or offline). Video 1.
Why the best salesmen of 100 years ago would make a killing in todays easy to sell market place, and what they would do (and you should too) as soon as you post any video or post on social media. Video 1.
Why you can create content about what golfers hate, and why they will look forward to it more than what any tour player posts on twitter or instagram. Video 1.
How to construct the most important page on your website and what it’s “one” aim should be ( this is so simple it's shocking it’s not common knowledge). Video 2.
What you want from a golfer the first time they come to your page and how you can get them to give it to you. Video 2.
What your first transaction with any golfers should be and how it can make them desperate for more. Video 3.
The one thing you must do when creating content to make sure it’s not a waste of time, energy and actually hurt your following. Video 3
How golfers will want you to “sell” to them and thank you when they buy. (this can be applied to any facebook ad, post or caption to any piece of content you create). Video 3.
The “one thing” that you can do to your content to make it immediately more interesting. Video 4.
Why the people that don’t like you will buy from you if you can give them this one thing. Video 4.
What the people most likely to buy from you all have in common. (it’s not golf). Video 4.
The 1# most important thing to focus on when creating any content. Video 4.
Why your consistency not only helps you on the golf course but will give you more sales too. Video 4.
What makes your content difficult to ignore and what gets your content rapidly consumed and acted on. Video 4
What can radically change the mindset of a golfer before they hear your offer and, what can kill it stone dead. Video 5.
How to pre-frame what you sell to build more desire for it and create more impact. Video 5.
The best way to make your offer feel and sound different without changing a single headline, word or picture. Video 5.
How you can use what’s currently going on in golf (good or bad) to make your offer more appealing to the golfers that desperately need you. Video 5.
What software you can use (paid and free) to get the most engaged list of golfers telling you how they want to be sold.