Have you ever wanted to lose weight at home,

Without even having to set foot into a gym and

Without even lifting weights?

What about finally getting the results you desire and surprising friends the next time they see you?

If so why haven't you gotten those results, even though you've tried most of what everyone else does (and even some that are a bit “out there”)? What is your reason, what is your excuse?

Once you’ve read this entire page you will discover my technique “Golf Stacking” which gets golfers to lose weight and keep it off.

Who am I to tell you? Well, I’ve been through all of the above and found the formula to get a golfer in the best shape possible, to stay committed and do it all at home with ZERO equipment.

It also will make you hit the golf ball further.

How I discovered it, started with a holiday photo of me with more chins than I cared to have.

In early 2016 I was in my “Fat Dad” stage, my kids were 5 and 1 years old and even though I had been studying the human body and getting paid for fixing golfers for over five years, I certainly wasn’t in shape for anything “other” than golf. 

It wasn't much of a problem (or so I thought) because I just looked like most golfers, and I had slowly got in worse shape as I got older. I would even tell myself at least “I’m not as bad as some people”, which is called “the comparison game for pussies”.

It didn't matter how much knowledge I had access to, it was too difficult with the stress of sleepless nights, coupled with owning a business with staff, and never having time to exercise.

And the food, Oh the food. I couldn't just finish my own dinner, I was finishing what the kids didn't eat too. (Can’t waste it can you). 

Then I saw a holiday photo showing more chins than ever.

With a belly looking worse than I thought. And this was at a time that I considered myself to be active.
So why wasn't I getting results, I had all the information, all the courses, access to the top “gurus” in golf performance. 

You see the problem was I had too much conflicting information, too much to do and very little time to do it. But the biggest problem was that I just didn’t care enough to stay committed and consistent. 

It was that photo that made me say “I’ve had enough”


And, I decided to deeply test every course, program, and piece of information that I had invested in to help golfers. I would build and stick to each plan, AND it had to fit in with the tight time available. 

I started running but that took too much time. Resistance bands worked but difficult to stay motivated, and kettlebells were awesome but I wanted something that removed all possible excuses. Fewer excuses, make it simpler to get better results.

Then as luck would ave it, a marketing program I was part of had a challenge to build a program specifically for groups. Mine obviously for golfers, and that’s when everything fell perfectly into place. 

Up until then, everything I was doing was for a negative result. Everything was about LOSING weight.  Every plan out there was like that too (especially for men), and mine was just the same all based around a negative outcome, which I didn’t really care about.

But as soon as it was about making my GOLF BETTER and losing weight my commitment stayed and I got in my best shape to date. 

Every weight loss plan is negative, no wonder it can be a struggle to stick to it.

Negative outcomes reach a point where we give up and decide to go back to where we were before, because “it just isn't worth it”. 

But, a positive target, with an immovable deadline getting us better at something we are obsessed with, that is where success is at. 

The real enemy in all this is the “lose weight, gain muscle, get strong” programs that are for people who LOVE BEING IN THE GYM, it’s their passion. But the golf course is where the golfer wants to spend any spare time.

It’s missed golf shots that keep us awake at night, not missed cardio sessions.

Once I realised that what I needed was to Golf-Stack and link any plan to making my golf better, adding distance, having more confidence, then that increased commitment.

However, I still needed to prove that it would work in any golfers life who wanted to lose weight and increase distance at the same time.

In January 2017 I released the GolfMob to a handful of golfers who were brave enough to try something untested on anyone but myself.

And they all lost weight, inches and clothes became baggy. The GolfMob worked. 

That was not all... the program success was only out-weighed by the guy’s commitment to the sessions and that meant:

Every Golfer gained up to 15 yards on their 7 iron in less than 4 weeks. 

I knew they could get that result but in less than 4 weeks was a shock to me and I’d been doing this stuff for years. 

And that’s why I created the GolfMob, to take golfers who struggle for time, want to lose weight and have an obsession with golf and make it all possible to succeed where they have failed before. 

The foundation of this took me close to 6 years of working with and testing the best stuff out there for Golf Performance and that education cost thousands, but I now have a step by step plan that is laid out every day over the month that if implemented as instructed will make a golfer of any ability “Gain Yards and Lose Inches”.

It takes the confusion over consistent weight loss for the busy golfer, and made it so simple with instructions and I do the whole thing with you. One of the huge benefits of having this originally be a group training system was that as golfers we love to compete.

When the guys were struggling and felt like giving up they would see another guy still going and that would inspire them to do more.

What can take some people months, now only takes 28 days, such as:

  • Gain super confidence in the way you look so that you can go after anything you want.

  • Earn the respect of yourself helping you to see that what you felt was impossible now seems possible.

  • Build a powerful mindset based on your success so that problems just seem like new challenges to overcome. 

Here is what some of the Mobsters have said about this program so far:

“ The extra 10 - 15 yards was cool but it was the powerful energy that I got the most out of” James H

“I walk into meetings now with the type of confidence I’ve always wanted”  Steve M

“If this wasn't about golf I would have given up like I’ve done with everything else” John P

Before we go any further, let me ask you a question…

What is the one thing that is holding back your weight loss? 

Has it been a lack of knowledge or available information, or has it been your commitment?

I’m going to have you consider that the reason why you don't have the body you want is because you have yet to find something you are ruthlessly committed to.

To have the results we’ve talked about here doesn’t come from jumping randomly from plan to plan, it comes from being committed when everyone else can’t be bothered.

Now it would be impossible to show you everything but these are a few key things that you get when you sign up today:

  • You will have a link to the full course and content.

  • All the content is strategically laid out each day for simple action and results for your 28-day transformation (plus the foundation week). 

  • The foundation week is where you will get crystal clear on what you want, why you want it and where you are at right now.

  • That will give you the clarity and the courage to take action and not give up. The information in this section is evergreen and can be applied to anything. 

Why is Your access to this program for 90 days?

Because of your commitment. Men buy stuff to make themselves feel better but don’t take the actions needed to get better.

If you want what you desire, it can only come down to a commitment to having it done by a DEADLINE. (Nothing gets done without a deadline). We are at our most productive and our most powerful when our backs are against the wall.

  • Plus you’ll get your own GolfMob Golf fitness handicap to check your progress. 

  • You will also get the corrective exercise plans that will give you more rotation, flexibility and balance that will help more in your golf than just distance. 

  • This program needs only your phone and an internet connection, was filmed entirely in my back garden and some sessions in 32 degrees heat, with no equipment.

This removes any excuse of not having the space or equipment to do the program. (Side note there are some golf clubs used but if you don’t own a 6 iron and another club this program is not for you).

The total value for this program when it was in person was £200 per month, and if you tried to learn all this stuff for yourself, through courses and certifications you are looking at thousands. 

Now if all it did was give you the confidence in your body so that you believe in yourself more it would be worth it.

And if it only added 10 yards to your 7 iron I’m sure most golfers would pay £200 for that.

But you’re not gonna pay £200 You’re only gonna pay £47.

If you follow the program to the letter, stay committed you will not only lose inches but you will gain yards. And I’m so confident that I’m going to give my “3 off the tee Guarantee”...

If you don't add yards and lose inches by week 3 doing this full program daily, then send me your fitness log data and I will refund you every penny…

But you must act now because I’m not sure how long this will be a stand-alone product as it will eventually be moved over to the members-only benefit of Unbreakable Golfers Coaching Program.

  • Just imagine returning to the golf course, with a leaner, fitter body and more distance in your golf bag, then out hitting your playing partners, while they ask you in disbelief

    “What the **** have you been doing since the last time we played”?

So click the link below, and fill out the order form, once you have filled out your details, you will have instant access to the only weight loss program that guarantee’s distance in your golf swing. 

Quick note for those of you that are signing up now, you will be fitter, stronger and more powerful in just 4 short weeks, while your competitors will just be dreaming about the results. 

Taking action is a decision, commitment is a decision, getting results is a decision. 

The only decision you have to make is whether you will be fit and strong in 4 weeks or still the same.

It won’t change my life if you do or not, I can't do the work for you, but I have made it as easy and as simple as possible. To get the results you want.

This 30 Day Body-Transformation will give you more distance, and a fitter stronger more powerful body. The live version of this program was £200 per month and you can get instant access to it for 90 days for Only £47.

You will lose weight, you will add distance, you just have to follow the steps laid out for you, stop the excuses of whats happened in the past and give yourself permission to GO

Be Better Than Yesterday