a system Specifically designed for the Frustrated golfer.

For a limited time only, on the very next page is access to the powerful Golf-stacking which reveals:

  • How a golfer will learn to eat better, feel better, and look better. 

  • The one thing that removes any excuse of not having space, time or equipment for powerful improvement. 

  • The food source that you need to eat more of if you want to stop binging. 

  • The free mindset app that will keep you accountable and consistent with your targets.

  • What can give you much better results and is the opposite of what everyone else tells you to do.

  • The golf fitness screen explained and the pitfalls to look for.

  • What every yo-yo dieter does and how to stop it.

  • The cycle of change and why your brain WANTS to give up and start again.


  • The free apps to use for commitment and success.

  • The starting point which is like a “Bullet” through the eye.

  • New man Thursday, How to wake up with power and energy with your mind alight.

  • How I got over the fat dad situation and how every single golfer added distance. 

  • Why the scales are only a guide and will damage the real target, and what to focus on instead.

How Long A You Willing To Wait To Get The Results You Want?