On Course Nutrition For The Kent Golf Team
The fuel For Peak Performance
Simple, Foundational And Repeatable.
The following plan is simple to implement and can be used for peak performance in competition.
What you consume will either help or hinder how you perform on the golf course and dictate how much energy and focus you show up with on the first tee (and how you keep that energy and focus up at key points in the round).
Having a strong foundation to build on, based around sound fundamentals allows a golfer to make the minefield of nutrition easy to manage.
There wouldn’t be a huge benefit to working on high level shot-making skills in the golf swing, if a golfer is struggling with the fundamentals of Grip, Alignment, Stance and Posture.
It is the same with how we prepare our bodies.
We want a foundation to build on and to fall back to when things are not working the way we want them too.
What We Can Do v What We Actually Do
There are a lot of things we can do with eating but what is clear is that the more complex we make something the less likely we are to stick to it and ultimately see the results from it.
Keeping things as simple as possible until they become an easily repeatable habit, allows a golfer to increase performance and energy on the golf course without the overwhelm of having “too much to think about” and do.
You can think about nutrition, like building a house, the roof insulation is not much good without the walls, the roof and the foundation.
The Deep foundation
Hydration is the pillar that sits at the base of Unbreakable nutrition for three basic reasons.
Dehydration (even mild) can have effects on the body as well as the mind, potentially causing you to make poor decisions, lose focus and can even affect how much power you generate into the golf ball.
It’s easily avoidable if you follow a few simple steps.
It is the most easily available and potentially free part of how you can be prepared for competition.
The easiest way to be prepared is to try your best to always be hydrated, however, if that’s not possible then you want to be thinking hydrating “2 days before the event”.
A simple guide to follow is the '“half my weight” rule. Half of your weight (in lbs) in fluid ounces.
160 Ibs = 80 ounces (2.4 Litres of water).
The simplest and easiest to follow is the old
“2 litres a day” Rule.
The Walls
Good v bad food.
When it comes to food and golf really you want to focus on foods that make you perform and feel better.
Good food would make us feel better and bad food would make us feel worse.
When you are tired or under the weather, everything seems more difficult and stressful.
Well, the food you eat can either fill you with energy and enthusiasm or make you feel tired and not want to move.
The perfect foods for this, for you, will have to come down to testing and trial and error (however an outline is listed below).
Your pre-round meal is essential to your focus, power, and energy.
Feel bad foods would be:
Processed foods and junk foods will either make you feel lethargic or at best give you a spike in energy that will be followed by a crash, causing all sorts of problems like
Mental fatigue
Muscle fatigue and weakness
Like hydration, what you eat before you play can impact performance.
Common golf pre-round foods that can reduce performance:
Full English breakfast
Bar snacks (crisps, chocolate)
Alternative choices:
Cheese omelet with a side salad
Poached egg, avocado
The Roof
Keep the fire burning
Keeping your energy and your hydration up during the round comes down to breaking up the holes and keeping the fire burning with fuel.
Splitting snacks up across an 18 hole round is a great way to keep the fire stocked.
Set this how you prefer with roughly 6 hole gap, ie:
After the 2nd / 8th / 14th holes
Before the 1st / 6th / 12th holes
Each snack brake would cover the main food sources needed eg
Fruit or veg with selected nuts and a source of protein.
The Heating
Repair - Recovery food
You’ve used your body to walk miles and coupled with the explosive action of the golf swing.
It’s now time to repair any damage to the muscular system and any growth we need for improvement.
That source will come from that “bodybuilding food” known as protein.
Generally, when golfers think of protein they see a muscle-bound man with a tan, however...
If you start to think of protein as a “body repairing” food you will see it as what’s needed to have you ready for your next competition.
Have a post-round meal with protein and carbs (think of protein as the bricks and carbs as the bricklayers).
The Insulation
It’s written in the word, supplements are to supplement your food intake with what you either can’t get from or, can’t get enough of, out of food.
In a perfect plan, you would get all you need from your food alone (and if you do, then you don’t need to supplement) but most people don’t get all their sources from their food alone.
Common supplements include:
Omega 3 fish oils
Protein powders
Greens powder.
The above will cover enough to get anyone started and progressing in having their body prepared for an event, and to be in peak performance, not just at the start but also at the end of a round.
Taking any part of the information above, and adding it to your golf game will be an improvement.
If it seems overwhelming, take what you need to get started or just focus on the foundation.
If this is not enough and you would like are more personalised plan, work with me directly or, just want more information then sign up to my daily golf performance tips below.
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Hear What Golf Pros And Other Golfers Are Saying
“For any student I have with mobility or injury issues John is my first recommendation”
“My energy levels are quality and I have much more flexibility in my golf swing as well as obscene distance” ”
“I gained 15 yards on my 7 iron in the first 4 weeks”
“15 yards, more flexible and my lower back pain is gone”
““I have so much more focus and this helped my tennis game as well as my golf”. ”
“I added distance and I’ve always hit the ball far ”
“Three sessions was all I needed to completely remove my back pain and absolutely nail the golf ball.
I couldn’t believe at my age the distance I gained in 3 weeks.”