So this morning I added the first part of the nutrition training that will form part of the Unbreakable Golfers plan.
This section on nutrition will go deep on the fundamentals of health (The stuff that stops the death) and what is the most up to date advice on getting and staying healthy so that you don’t become another statistic.
In The GolfMob I kept all the nutrition stuff as simple as possible because it stops all the bullshit excuses of having too much to do and too much to think about.
But Unbreakable is a long term process that takes time to implement as its about long term health and results and not just about looking and feeling good for the summer.
Todays training was all about BMI and what to focus on and what to ignore.
The biggest problem with what people do today is they have no frame work to work from.
It’s just about doing what they want and then trying to undo the damage they have been doing to themselves.
This causes people to feel that just walking the golf course is enough. It’s not, its better than not walking the golf course, walking round the shops burns calories and is better than home delivery but its hardly exercise or training and it’s not gonna help golfers live a more healthy life compared to what their body is telling them.
It’s the same with marketing.
You are either connecting or getting ignored on a day to day bases, what you do or don’t do today will impact your brand tomorrow.
There is more facebook ads for learning facebook ads than ever before, but the ads wont save you if you can’t get a golfer to take more action the just clicking an ad.
The problem is most people wont take ownership of getting their message out when it comes to marketing.
Nobody can force anyone else to do the work.
It’s down to them saying “I take FULL responsibility for taking my message to the market place”.
The difference is knowing what to do and most importantly how to apply it to the life they currently live.
How they get more leads,
How they think about themselves and how they are seen in the marketplace,
Search online for marketing and see all the options available.
But you just need a simple framework to follow so you can do it daily and get better every day.
On top of that it might give you the momentum to start building up the energy to do more and get better at marketing your message.
If you wanna know more about how to stand out from every other golf pro out there the link below is where to start.
John Seton
Nice one