To improve we need shiny new clubs or gadgets and just practise more right?
But WE can tell you now there is ANOTHER WAY of releasing your untapped potential and to….
>>>>>>> INCREASE DISTANCE <<<<<<<
>>>>>>> BECOME CONFIDENT <<<<<<<
>>>>>>> BE FOCUSED <<<<<<<
>>>>>>> EXPLODE YOUR ENERGY <<<<<<<
In as little as 15 minutes a day
(once you've been through Unbreakable Golfers)
A completely new way built on proven systems and secrets that the PRO's are using and…
NOW you have access to these simple tricks that will increase your potential.
If you own a Body and a set of Golf clubs then yes, at these events golfers are GAINING distance & GETTING more consistent by becoming better — (in ONE day covering GOLF, BODY and MIND.)
If you really want to IMPROVE and continue to GET better every day then this event will show golfers…
How to completely change your perception of yourself and what you believe is possible.
What is it?
With the help of expert golf pro James Skelton We've created a one day Golf performance "Experience" called : “Unbreakable Golfers”
First, So That We Are Clear, Let Me Tell You…
* Golfers who are tired of the constant struggle and daily frustrations and want a simple plan to finally get better.
* Men who have tried everything, think they're too old, or too broken to be fixed,
* Golfers who want to hit the ball further whilst having cool calm focus and much more confidence.
* Non golfers,
* The magic pill golfers who just want to be better without doing anything to get better.
* Men who think investing in themselves means buying the newest golf club being played by the "pro" of the moment.
* Men who have no desire to be better than yesterday.
Unbreakable Golfers is a live one day experience with a blend of hands on physical assessment and treatment as well as expert “Golf Lessons” strategically built in (So you can track your physical progress throughout the day ).
Gain new SIMPLE insights which you can apply immediately.
The whole day is overflowing with specific personalised techniques to help you by…
You'll also get a few bonuses too:
The “Unbreakable Golfers Yardage Book” This 62 page POWER manual makes amateur golfers better by:
>>>> fixing you own body, <<<<
>>>> getting stronger <<<<
>>>> Becoming more confident <<<<
>>>> Being Less Reactive <<<<
has the plan for Fat loss where golfers are GAINING Yards AND LOSING Inches at home (GolfMOB)
You'll also be added to a private group where we are keeping golfers "Accountable", with weekly check in's to stay on track for the 28 days after the event.
This alone is worth the investment.
But what will you actually learn at this experience :
>> How to achieve complete mental clarity, so that your negative thoughts and self doubt never hurt you on the golf course ever again
>> How to finally, find out what's stopping YOU progressing, so you can finally slash that handicap with the bonus of powerful distance.
>> How to create an Unbreakable Body, become more powerful and have more energy now than you did years ago, regardless of your age.
>> Get expert hands on treatment to finally fix those nagging problems which reduce your flexibility and POWER (this treatment method is used on the guys on tour)
>> Why stretching can REDUCE distance and kill your accuracy and what you should be doing instead.
>> Finally get crystal clear on what you really want and more importantly what's actually NEEDED to play better more consistent golf.
>> To have more success in the 30 days after the event than you have in the last 30 weeks.
>> A proven simple way to Stay "committed" to improving your golf, body and mind which I have been doing personally EVERY day for 16 months.
>> Be introduced to the Daily "Unbreakable Game" to stay on track regardless of how tired, old, angry or unmotivated you FEEL.
>> The no#1 WORST thing to do when trying to stay calm and how it can cause disastrous consequences when trying to hit the golf ball.
>> Why YOUR neck will give you more distance and power if you treat it right but can also make golfers unbalanced causing those distance sucking, ugly as hell fat shots.
>> The 3 fundamental things every golfer must have in the golf swing wether you swing it like Jim Furyk, Bubba Watson, Dustin Johnson or Dusty Bin.
>> Get a Personalised ACTION PLAN which will show you how to ALWAYS rely on your body and mind on and off the golf course.
>> The strategic way to set your targets that business men are paying £1000’s to learn
>> A scientifically proven way to stay calm So that you never get "angry" on the golf course or when under serious pressure.(this can help off the golf course too)
>> Finally see why the body holds back your golf swing regardless of how often you practice and exactly how to fix it regardless of age or what you’ve tried before.
>> What treatment specialist's DON'T tell you and how it can save money, pain and time.
>> A simple exercise baby's do easily and if you can’t, its costing huge distance, power, energy and it can also lead to injuries that stop you playing golf.
>> The strategic powerful target setting system that will help you get more done in 12 weeks then in the previous 12 months
>> How you can Hit the ball further by spending more time with your kids
>> Be giving the 62 page Unbreakable Golfers Yardage Book, the only book you will ever need to fix your body, get in better shape, increase your confidence and continue to improve.
>> Finally see what and why your body is hindering you and an exact plan of how to fix it.
>> The jaw drooping W.T.F Test that will show how the mind can make you INSTANTLY weak and why fearing any shot could destroy your card.
>> The 4 keys to a MUCH better nights sleep so you wake up with energy and not the snooze button addition
What we're gonna do:
Assesses your body and make you more POWERFUL, flexible and confident.
Assesses your swing and show you the easiest way to more consistency and a lower handicap.
What you will leave with:
A personal blue print to more distance, better focus and an Unbreakable Mindset.
A crystal clear understanding of HOW to become better and be more consistent.
What we will be revealing has personally done the following for me:
Fixed constant back issues that plagued me through my 20’s and early 30’s,
Added 2 clubs in distance to my golf swing
Cut my handicap by 4 extra strokes after years of stagnating even though I had lesson after lesson after lesson and played 2 to 3 times a week.
Completely changed my productivity in both my personal and business life
In better shape now than I was 3 years ago
Propelled my company to make 50% more in turn over in 2017 and the best year EVER for that company
PS lets Get One Thing Straight, What I am Not:
I am not a golf pro, and will never tell you what has to been done in your golf swing, I’ll leave that to the trained Golf Pros and the 29 handicap's however…
For Expert Golf Professional Instruction
You will also be spending the whole event with Golf Pro James Skelton, one of only two Aim point instructors (How Adam Scott putts) in the UK, and putting coach to pro players.
PSS Its so simple. One EVENT working on your body, mind, golf swing, finding and fixing any issues while walking away with a personalised action plan, 28 day accountability group and a 62 page reference book so that you continue to get better AFTER the event.
If this investment seems too expensive then this experience is defiantly not for YOU.
A 90 minute session with Me is £100 and a 1 hour session with James Skelton is £60
This small group event is NOW a WHOLE day experience for 6 committed golfers and priced at £199 per person.
If investing in yourself isn’t worth £199 you can just buy another new club off the internet BUT…
If you are finally ready to be more powerful, confident, focused and increase how far you smash a golf ball then….
Apply by filling out the form below to be sent a list of available spots (if any) to the next event.
If you're ready to change what you believe is possible, then its time to join us and become an…