So Tony Finau shot 4 under at the masters while dislocating his ankle the day before,

The modern day bionic man went all terminator, 

fixed his own dislocation,

tee'd it up and gave the course an ass kicking with his good foot

Forget the normal problems that goes with going over on your ankle, on top of that remember

that a golfers feet is where they generate power.

All balance and any lack of it comes from the amont of mobility in the ankle and the ability to stabilise that mobility. 

(I know there was a lot of ility's in that sentence VERY but relevant) 

Mr bionic probably had a little help, some hands on treatment, focused exercises to help the issue

And then probably crossed his fingers and hoped he got though the day. 

Here's a FREE tip for ya that may actually cost you some reddies

The type of golf shoes you wear will make a difference.

Not NAME, it doesn't matter if its Footjoy or Foot-misery but how they are formed.

If you have a very mobile ankle (like our bionic friend) you would maybe want a more stable shoe

If your ankle is locked up so tight like a pair of balls on facebook then..

You might want a more giving shoe to help you, 

How do you know what you need

You assess

Your ability to control how you generate force from the floor carries more than just distance

Lower Back pain and

Knee pain can be seriously reduced and even eliminated if you have a correctly functioning ankle

We tell you how here 

And then if you want I fix the sh*t out of it

John Seton