Now don’t get scared
Try not to run away
Just hear me out
Last week I hit 365 conservative days of
This is non hippy meditation too fella
I’m pretty pleased with myself but
that’s not why I’m telling you
Well maybe just a little
Most guys go from stimulus to response
Something happens
Someone p*sses YOU off and BOOM
It now has your full attention and guess
It messes with what you do and how you
do it
Which is why YOU look for sedation,
Be it booze,
Food or even
Drugs and porn
Meditation creates SPACE
Why do WE need space
It’s simple just listen to this quote
from Wake Up Warrior
With space you have clarity, With clarity
you have confidence, With confidence you
have courage ,With courage you have the
ability to create more,
When you are overwhelmed with stress you
can’t think straight
When you’re stressed you make poor
Say and do stupid things in life,
business and golf,
How many times have you followed a bad
shot with a stupid shot
How many times have you eating shit that
you didn’t really want
By increasing your capacity you can deal
with MORE stress
It will increase you capacity to DO more
It’s literally like you have more hours
in the day
And running a business while being a dad
Feeling like you have more time is
f*cking POWERFUL
John “374 Days” Seton
PS Unbreakable golfers will cover the
results and research behind meditation
But if you just need your body to be
more powerful click the link below
Nice one