So fella yesterday a wrote about stress

And how it leads to sedation

And how if you can learn to deal with
stress you can pull off a hell lot more

More in your business

More in your home life

More in your body

You see everybody will tell you to
remove stress from your life

But thats not always possible when your
trying to run a business

The fact is stress is INEVITABLE

So being able to deal with it better
will be much more valuable to you than
just reducing stress

I cant remember who said this but

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were

Love that ^ ^ ^ ^

We think that the ability to get better is
limited by


But we currently live in a world were
the ability to learn everything and
anything is on the internet

Then why are most people not getting


Everyone is so distracted that there is
no switching OFF

And you cant have focus if you're
constantly distracted

We use our phone as an alarm clock

The ONE thing that anyone in the world
can get in touch with us at anytime

Sits next to our heads and goes off to
wake us up

And because of that, the first thing we

Messages from other people

Lets be honest the only message worth
knowing as soon at you wake up is

"I owe you this blowjob"

So with that in mind

Find some way to stop the distraction,

At work go for a walk and dont take your

The minions can handel things for 15

Black out your morning with no social
media until you get your head right


I do it every day and unplugging is
hugely helpful for getting better
dealing with stress

John "inevitable" Seton

PS The irony is not lost on me that your
reading this on a Distraction device

So in the clinic its all old school

To find out more go here
