UNBreakable golfers

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Advice For Jamie Carragher

Jamie, we all know getting beat by people
we hate is painfull

I've been pelted with bottles at a certain
away ground

And when that rage builds up it makes you
do stupid things

The types of things you regret

Like that time you through a coin into the
arsenal crowd

However there are ways you can stop
this rage building up, that costs you
money (or even maybe your job)

You see TRIGGERS, something that sets you
off down a path

Will always be there if you dont work on

And some non-hippy meditation will
significantly reduce your rection time to
those triggers

So when you're sitting there fuming


Cant think straight

If you can reduce your reaction time from,
thought of anger, to bad reaction

It stops you doing stupid things

We know what you're thinking jamie

You thinking if you lose your passion

Your rage

You will lose your boll*cks and your
oestrogen level will shoot up


Ask a world class boxer if rage, anger and
stupid decisions help him in the ring

They will tell you that being calm and
focused and able to asses the situation
when you're being punched in the face

will help you more

And you can still through punches back,
just calculated ones.

But guess what jamie

This stuff, can help your golf too

HOW you say?

Getting distracted and thinking about that
good score or worse, that last sh*t shot,
won't help you my friend.

If you think better you can be better

Plus, an added bonus in this is that in an
argument, when the enemy is losing their
sh*t and you're cool as a cucumber

It enrages them like nothing else,

So jamie, if you want to learn a simple
daily system that will help you be less
reactive as well as...

in better condition and also let you hit
the golf ball further

then here's where you go


John Seton

PS Tension in the brain causes tension in the body

Tension in the body is not good for golf

Or driving while spitting