Do you feel you are losing distance in your full swing as you get older?

Is this causing you to make poor decisions with club selection?

Are you eating the same foods you’ve always have?

As you may currently be finding out, getting older is likely reducing your club-head speed and with it your distance, so...

how much distance can you afford to lose?

5, 10, 15 yards?

But what about food, I'm gonna have you consider that what you are eating may be affecting your scores too.

Could you be motivated to do something about it or is it a case of "that's just what I do".

There was a fella who was having issues with his back when playing golf.

Not enough to stop playing, or pop pain killers but enough that he was aware of it when he was playing.

(and believed it was effecting his swing) but also he felt that his back would be extra stiff after playing.

Not in pain, just stiff. He had been like this for over a year and just believed that was all it was, a case of getting older.

Now, this fella’s pal, had been part of a clinic day I had put on about tightness in the body at a local golf course.

And he told him about a very specific on-course nutrition plan that I had taught in the session.

(this was actually just a conversation about what one particular coach in Canada, that got his team to eat a certain way, and wasn't even part of the course I was teaching that day)

This was 6 months before him coming to see me, by then he was in better shape, he was less stiff after playing and,

He was feeling powerful in the last few holes rather than feeling his game go to the karzi.

But, he had also started hitting the ball a little further.

He had been working, off of the information he had gotten from his pal at the clinic.

Simple actions that had allowed him to know what to eat on and off the course and, with that he had lost weight.

By the time he had come in the clinic he only needed one session to point him in the right direction to add more distance as he had done most of the work, off of the course all by himself.

All for no cost (no financial cost at least, as he did have to implement these simple tactics and not just nod his head and do what most people do which is F-all)

All he had been using was the notes his pal had taken, about a very simple plan to follow.

Enough information to take action, telling him what to add, what to avoid, how preparation comes before you play golf not just by swinging two clubs before you play.

He also lost half a stone too.

I've now bundled that info into a simple report with some added bonuses if you want it, but...

Your results may vary, and you will need to take action on the information and not just think:

“That's cool”, or,

“Never heard that before it won't work”, or,

“I knew that already” (and then still don't take action).

This simple plan has everything a golfer needs for more energy, power, focus and to lose that derby.

it's built on sound fitness principles with some high-level stuff about optimal performance for golf pros at the Titleist Performance Institute.

You will be wasting your time if you don't do anything with the info,

Actually, if you are a lazy person, have no interest in bettering yourself, and think that results come from a magic pill, or secrets, or something just invented or information alone.

And not from fundamentals, work, persistence, dedication, and consistency, then you are doomed to spend your time looking for some more information to do nothing with.

Information is cool, but taking action on information is where results happen.

If you want to know more about on and off course nutrition specific for golfers, that can help you and your golf, as well as your body AND, are not too lazy to implement.

then go to the link below and I'll email you this 16-page plan.

But a warning, only about 20% (maybe less) of this information is new that you may never have heard before.

It's based on sound fundamentals and being consistent.

Heres the outrageous self-promotion link.

John Seton.

PS If you don't get the report immediately, use your loaf and check your junk folder.