I want you to picture a fictional members Golf club.

This place is awesome, kit-ed out in a way that people from other clubs comment on how cool it is.

Better still, You are a member of this club and they have organised a FREE seminar that you get to go too, just because you are a member.

But, this seminar is not like a normal "demo day" of equipment, or new product launch.

No this seminar is from a world class golf instructor.

A coach who teaches tour pros and "winning" tour pros at that.

Lets go even further and say that, this fictional golf pro's "son" had just won a major as recent as a month ago.

At this event he's gonna show you some techniques he teaches his tour players,

his son and

will personally give you hand on coaching.

Also, you will be part of a small group rather than the large groups he teaches in, so you will get more than most.

Now.....You may have some context and will understand what happened on Friday at Matrix Martial arts in Javea, when Professor Rafael Lovato Sr coached a two hour FREE seminar for the members of Matrix.

I've been lucky to have been in some impressive rooms with impressive people in golf.

Paid thousands to be in the room of these seminars (yes you read that right)

But the level of education, and teaching (taking complex information and making it simple is an art form in it self) from professor Lovato Sr was up there with anything I've been to or paid for before.

This is also considering that I knew next to nothing about this sport prior to walking into Matrix in November and yet can receive so much benefit from something I recently knew nothing about.

We all want to learn from great people, but when those great people treat you like you are a friend, you get a level of teaching and instruction that cant be topped.

I can only imagine how valuable The level of knowledge that was being taught (and is taught every week) will be "in the right hands".

And how it was being taken in by all levels was impressive. (you know your in trouble when its 30+ degrees, you’re in a Gi and you don't want to stop for water because you don't want to miss a thing

Now this is the point when I should tell you about how you could get so much from golf performance even if you know nothing about it,

Or talk about the GolfMob and how it will get you to lose weight and gain distance,

Or how Golf Performance therapy will get you feeling better with less pain and better movement then you've had for years

Or how Unbreakable will give you the mindsets to take challenges on at 40 that you did have the balls to do in your twenties.

But I'm not going to do that (even though I just did)

No, I'm gonna tell you to get yourself over to the link below for Matrix Jiu-jitsu and their current amazing offer.


and learn how you can become part of something that is gaining massive momentum.

There is something about this place that brings out the best in people, its quality from the top down.

If you want to learn more about what might be possible for you, and want an offer that cant be missed if you’ve ever thought about tying something new

then go here. https://tinyurl.com/y2xg2smj

John Seton