UNBreakable golfers

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Banana Metabolism

“While some people may indeed have slower metabolic rates than others, the difference equates to a large banana or less” BTN.

Not too much wiggle room there. But, the best thing about this, it can remove a LOT of the excuses someone has about getting in shape.

The thing is, as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner when the suns out, I like a beer and an ice cream.

Not together, that would be weird.

But when I hear the sound of an ice-cream van, for a split second I’m 5 again.

When someone places a can of beer down on the table on a hot day, watching condensation slowly dripping down the outside of that cool can, there is a part of me that thinks, weekender...

It’s just about priorities.

If you get clear on your priorities, of what you are doing and why then the decision to take action or not is so much easier.

If you don't prioritise what you want over what you have you will stay where you are.

The clearer you are on what you want, and what you have to do to get it the easier it is to do the work to get it.

There was a time when you did what was required to get what you wanted because you were clear, on what needed to be done and you prioritised it over everything else.

What is your target for your body and golf this year?

Is it to just get to swing a club, or is it to knock it further than you used to.

If you wanna do that AND lose the lockdown derby, then get clear on how and make a decision to do it.


Have an Ice cream and a beer and be happy with your priorities and decisions

But probably don't blame metabolism.

If you want a plan to sort both your belly and how you knock a golf ball see the lovely link below.


John Seton

Nice one