It always makes me wonder why when you are making a big purchase you need to provide a utility bill. 

Think about it, it is just a piece of paper easily forged with today's computers and scanners etc. 

Not proof that you are not behind on your payments just that you may own someone money. 

Driving licence with your address on it, passport with your address on it and a bit of paper that proves you might pay for something that really doesn't prove anything. 

Surely this is just something that was implemented a long time ago when it was important and has just been kept on because of habit. 

We all do things out of habit, good and bad... 

We eat when we're not hungry out of habit. 

How many people do you know that only smoke when they have a drink. 

All out of habit and none of it a necessity just because it was something we did once and still do now. 

This could be giving up all the time, not doing what you know you should or lying to yourself about what you’re gonna do. 

But the thing is, if it is just a habit it can be changed. 

Some are easier than others but just realising that it is something you do because you’ve always done it stops the stories of why you can't change. 

Habits are just doing something so often it's done on automatic. 

So any new habits you want to build can be built just by doing it more often. 

You might find that the biggest thing holding you back us just a habit you used years ago and it no longer serves you.

What is your biggest habit you have right now that is holding back getting what you want?

What would be possible if you just stopped doing it?

This is why the foundation week to the GolfMob is probably the most important part of the whole program. 

It allows you to find and break old habits before you even do any exercise. 

Wanna know more my golf obsessed geeezer,  then the link below will tell you more and give you the foundation week for free.

Chop, chop…

John Seton

Nice one