UNBreakable golfers

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Catch That...

Now, I know as a man I'm supposed to say that tigers and lions are the best animals because lions are the king of the jungle and eye of the tiger and all that. 

 And let's be clear. They are bloody cool and watching the Tiger King was an eye-opening experience. But for me, monkeys are fxcking hilarious.

The way they act,

The way they laugh, the things they do. 

And I think You've got to admire something that would quite happily shxt in his own hand, and throw it at you to win an argument.

That's a commitment... 

But when it comes down to any animal, if one decided to look at me as though I was lunch I would feel fear. 

Reason being, as much as Lions, Tigers and Monkeys are cool. 

I'm not a fan of being eaten, and it is not something on my bucket list. 

And that's what fear can do, it can change your whole perspective on something. 

It can change your actions because you truly believe that at that moment, something's going to go wrong. 

Which can also stop you taking the actions you need to take because there's some sort of mental block, some sort of fear, and that fear can be based on experience from years ago, that you haven't forgotten about or, just a belief based on absolutely no evidence at all. 

That's why in Unbreakable Golfers the section on mindset will teach you and educate you in ways that you can find out if it's fear that's holding you back or fear that's actually protected you (both are possible, but one keeps you stuck). 

Want to know more about Unbreakable Golfers reply to this email. 

If you just want more distance now that the courses are open and to get rid of that bit of pudding you put on during the lockdown,  

Then click the link below.


John Seton 

Nice one