UNBreakable golfers

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So I've spent a large part of my dad-adulthood life building LEGO, and the one thing with this as soon as it’s built, the kid's brains light up and they decide what they need to;

Find next, Get next, Build next,

Like everything else in life, building LEGO is very simple if you follow the plan that’s laid out in front of you. Turn one page, do 5 things than turn the page and do 5 more.

VERY simple.

As we get older though we want to make everything more complex. The more complex the better it sounds when we are telling people about it. But do you know what happens with complex.

Nothing..WE don't get results with complex, we tell the story that we need;

More time, more training, more information, or

the right equipment and that means nothing gets done, other than us telling people how cool it is. But SIMPLE is where it's at. With simple, you can do it with very little excuses, just a question

Did I do it today?

The problem with simple is people think "It can't be that simple" and with that, I call Bullsh*t.

Doing one simple thing every day beats doing the complicated thing

once a month.

Take anything, food, exercise, quality time with family and not being glued to the phone,

Everyone thinks they need to have the perfect plan for them to get results. Don't get me wrong the more tailored any plan is the better..

BUT the perfect plan done once a month will not compete with an imperfect simple plan done every day.

So here's the question.

1. What is the one thing that you've been putting off doing because it's too difficult?

2. What is the first thing you can do today to get started?

Because thats the hardest bit.

John Seton
