I was recently reminded of something that
happend to me at primary school,

Seriously dude get your mind out of the

My parents were asked to come to my school
for a chat,

My mum went as my dad had a very important
meeting in the pub,

Turns out I had scored lowest on the english
test (you didn't see that coming with my
spelling did you dude)

And Highest in Maths.

You see Castlecomb School in Mottingham
(motnum) had never seen anything like this,

So obviously I had cheated,

My Mum (a short tempered woman from
Bermondsey) made it clear that this was

And DEMANDED that the test be taken again.

And this time I got a better score.

My first Fxck you to authority and I wasn't
even 10.

I never "remembered the times table" like
everyone else BUT I could ADD, just in a
different way.

So their tracking of my progress wasn't a
clear indictor of my predicted results.

You see their perception of me completely
crowded their judgment.

But perception is where you make all YOUR

You will react differently depending on your
perception of an event.

And worse still other peoples perceptions.

Next time you think you cant do something

Ask yourself why?

Is it truly your belief

Or is it,

Your thinking.

Before Roger Bannister the sub 4 minute

Now he's JUST the first guy to do it.

Pick something and say fxck you.

Remember if someone tells you

YOU can't do something

What they're actually saying is

THEY cant do it.

fuckum do it anyway

Dont let other peoples opinions mess with
your constant progression.

Remember what dirty harry said

Opinions are like assholes, everyone has got
one BUT most of them are full of Shxt.

Be Better Than Yesterday.

John "cheater" Seton

PS We have a Fuckum and do it anyway attitude
in the GolfMob.

Where Golfing dads with limited time are
transforming their bodys, energy, focus and

You can join the waiting list here. v  v  v


But you wont be able to Cheat in this program

You will have to do the work required but
lets face it.

If you didn't like hard work you wouldn't be

If I have you wrong and you dont like and
admire hard work.

Click unsubscribe at the bottom, if not

See Ya Tomorra