Today is the Single Leg balance test
There are many outcomes for this one fella.
But we will only focus on two times
1) Below 10 seconds
2) Above 15 seconds
With this test you are going to stand on one
leg, Bring the other leg up to 90 degrees,
close you eyes and count
You can wobble BUT any waving of the arms or
the sole of the foot moves position then
The test is over
In the SFMA we are looking for 10 second. Any
less than this you have a balance issue we
would won't to work on.
A lot of balance issues are caused by
tightens and weakness is other muscles.
But the biggest thing we are looking for are
a difference between the right and left
If you are 5 second on each I would be less
worried then if you were 15 seconds one side
and 5 seconds the other
And before you say "But I'm right footed" Do
you walk only on your right foot.
I can't imagine you would get very far.
Unless you have a wooden leg, and eye patch
and say Ahhhhhhhh quite a lot.
You walk with both feet equally fella.
You spend the same time balanced on each leg
with each step.
As for TPI
We are looking for 15 seconds
What can failing this test do to you for your
golf Sway,
Hanging Back,
Loss of Posture,
Early Extension,
Reverse Spine Angle
I would say balance was import for golf.
For life, don't get me started..
The reason why your calf, hips or even your
back is tight.
Could be a balance issue.
And regardless of weather you believe you
should stay over the ball or not I think we
can agree that the less your head moves it
SHOULD be easier to hit the ball.
Screening Here
See the test here
John "Long john " Seton
PS Fixing this will help the way you swing a
golf club, For the better.
If you fix this