Fatigued men make shxtty decisions, 

We all know this but it’s only when we look at our output that we can really see when tiredness costs us,

The fact is:

Fatigued men make sh*tty decisions

We’ll tell the story of how we must keep going,

"I’ll rest soon",

"When it’s done" etc, 

But then after the tough battle of the week when do we catch up.

We keep going and going until we mess something up.

When your decisions start being wrong, that’s when you know it’s time to take a breather.

It’s difficult, we’re grafters and have a lot of other commitments but at some point you just need that little bit of rest.

There isn’t one athlete out there who doesn’t believe in getting the required rest PRIOR to a big event

But in running businesses we plan to rest when everything’s done.

The best way to do this is actually pre planing some type of rest in every week and plan this at the start of the week.

An early night, a lie in and no work or phone for as little as possible that day.


“Rest is not a reward for hard work but a prerequisite for exceptional performance”

Tied of making shxtty decisions, biting people’s heads off who don’t deserve it (if they do then give em both barrels) 

Then get some rest,

Wanna be shown away you can get DEEP rest, and be taught Unbreakable Ascension,

Click the link below and step up to the next event


John Seton