I’ll agree it sounds cool, let’s face it to
be fearless is pretty awesome right

Or is it?

Here’s the definition

"Fearless = the absence of fear"

So being fearless is not having fear

Is that good?

If you don’t fear something and you do it,
what’s so good about that?

If it scares you as much as something like
walking or breathing

What’s the big deal?

But what about being courageous?

"Not deterred by Danger or Pain"

Oh yes Acting in spite of fear, now that is

Enough to put blood in ya penis right?

Fearing something and still doing it

War films have this in spades,

Rocky 3 ...defo, Or as my pal says
"Jermaine" (Let me know if you dont get
that one)

Yeah being scared of something and stepping

That is bad ass

What did I used to be scared of?

The grammar Police,

They stopped me putting out content for

Today is the 365th day in a row where I
have sent a daily email

You see I have always struggled with
spelling and grammar

You may have noticed

School wasn’t really for me

So writing an email every day opens me up
to potential criticism,

(especially with the style I write and
speed I try to get it out)

And it stopped me for years

But everyday that I write an email

I get a little bit better,

And everyday that I fxck up

I learn...

That’s when the grammer police help me,

So the next email hopefully will be better,

And for others that may be fearless because
they don’t fear putting out content

But for me It was courageous

Because letting other people’s opinions
dictate your actions

Your growth,

Your progression,

To be better then yesterday,

Is living in fear

And that will keep you stuck

The only thing you need to do is be
courageous, you aint gotta run in a burning
building or anything.

Just pick something that you havent done
because of other people POTENTIAL opinion.

John "365" Seton

PS do you know one thing I’ve noticed about
the grammar police or anyone that criticise

They don’t actually do the thing they

They will only critique other people’s

Funny that, maybe some serious fear going