The thing about being able to pick and
choose my clients in this business is that
it seeps over into my other business

When it comes to Golf performance I have
kind of a velvet rope around it

You need to opt in

Read an email

Get in touch and then get selected

In my other business I can be caught of
guard and stupidly pick up the phone
before any of the staff

Case in point, a client got in contact and
ask for our services

The telephone call had all the relevant
information then the clincher...

This client then said

“I need to know when it will be looked at,
priced and completed”

My reply

“I can’t guarantee all that in this phone
call without ....”

I then listed OUR process

Their reply

“If I can’t get at least an idea now I
will have to go somewhere else”

At the time, the thought was that either
this person was going to be a huge pain in
the ass or..

Is just full of sh*t, so my reply

“If you feel the need to have that
information in a 2 minute phone call
unfortunately we will not be the right
option for your services”

Annoying client “Ok when could you send
someone to tender”

What we had here was FALSE scarcity, a
demand not intended to be called bullsh*t

In times like this I can always here my
old mentor in my ear

“Remember it’s YOUR business, There’s one
of you and thousands of them”

Talking of scarcity Wednesday is the last
day to fill your form out to get the price
locked down for the next 2 UG events

John “velvet” Seton