I’ve played with these types of golfing
monsters before,

You probably have too

And inspired by my kids just watching
Hotel Transylvania , here’s a list of the
most common type of golfing monsters

Frankenstein’s- he’s the king of slow play

Not the best conversationalist, and his
swing looks awful, clubs are far too
short, as they were given to him by his
pal who’s half his size

He doesn’t believe that investing in a new
set is worth the money, so has the set up
posture of a snooker player

Dracula - this fella doesn’t shut up, bla,
bla, bla

He’s will talk, right up to your take away


Then Continue the conversation before
you’ve finished you follow through

Constantly moaning about it being too hot
for golf or that the sun is too low

Puts on far too much sun block for a fella
with jet black hair

The Werewolf - always thirsty for water
but never brings his own,

He’d rather chug back yours and leave you
even with his slobber

Every bad shot (which there are many) is
followed with a loud shout of
“Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh I knew I was
gonna do that”

Before racing after his ball leaving the
rest of the 4 ball playing on their own

The mummy - wrapped in so many bandages
for tennis elbow, dodgy knees, back straps
and a golf bag full of pain killers

He’s main goal is to somehow get through
the round,

Without collapsing in a heap or a body
part falling off

Don’t ever tell him that taking one of his
100 bandages off might help

He’ll look at you as though he would
disappear if he did

So if you come up against, or know any of
these golfing monsters,

send them to unbreakable golfers

A place where we fix their issues so they
are not so annoying to play with


John Seton