UNBreakable golfers

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Good Trolling

Some times the odd trolling is good,

I’m not talking about the 20 something hiding in his bedroom, throwing insults at someone for no reason (that just comes from insecurity)

I’m talking about trolling the establishment with backed up reasons of why things are wrong.

Take the golf industry, every new club that comes out is better than the last one,

Advances in technology, etc

And this stuff is all tested on machines so they can get reliable data.

But, you have to be FIT for that club to get the benefits touted in it.

But if you invested that £300 in lessons (and not random lessons when you playing shxt, do you think the stars of the World Cup will only have coaching when things ain’t going well)

And had those lessons regularly regardless of how you were playing, you’d be better off (unless of course you current clubs are dog shxt)

But that’s not what everyone’s doing so it’s a case of follow the follower.

Now take my side of the industry,

Every photo about golf fitness that you will see on sky, about one of the stars will show the golfer under a heavy squat or bench press, however….

This would scare the score card off of 95% of the golfers out there...

Where a simple plan of body weight stuff would change the average golfers results dramatically.

And proficient "rolling" changes everyone’s results

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John Seton