Since September I’ve been helping teach the juniors at Matrix Jiu-jitsu...

Teaching something whether it be a concept you understand fully or, you are just learning will always enhance your understanding of it and that's because

you are accountable for what you share.

One thing I’ve noticed above all is when Professor teaches something new from the curriculum, and the juniors start practicing it,

I can tell by looking at what the juniors are doing, and knowing it doesn't look right,

Then the professor will show exactly what's not right and why, the Juniors correct it, and the outcome becomes an entirely different and effortless move.

Little details that are crucial to the execution of the technique and how one small thing relates to another and the benefits and results, it brings.

With golf performance and starting with the TPI screen, its aim is to identify what problems may be happening in your golf swing and how it relates to your body, or you could say, what problems you are currently having in your body and how they are affecting how efficiently you swing a golf club.

You might look at your swing or your body and know it doesn't look right, your not sure what it is, but you can see somethings off.

Having a fundamental baseline to check too (as there is no perfect way just the perfect way for YOU) allows you to see whats “off” compared to:

Others like you,

Your past,

What's possible in the future,

This is why one of the fundamentals in the foundation week of the GolfMob Online is getting that baseline...

Where your body is today compared to where we can get it in a week, month, or even 90 days.

The best thing is in a few years, if your body is getting tighter and causing you to lose distance and accuracy, you can go back to your score sheet, re-test and see what's changed and make

the subtle little change that can make the outcome of how you strike the golf ball a whole lot different and seem effortless.


Having a baseline to work too is key to moving forward (and I said this yesterday) if you don't know where you are right now, you can’t know which path to take to get where you want to go.


1) Know where you are right now,

2) Have a baseline to measure that too,

3) Have a plan in place to get to where you want to go,

Take a pen and write down the answers from the 3 points above in whatever it is you want to change...

If that’s Golf Performance, Golf Fitness, Distance, and Fat loss then I’ve saved you the trouble fella.

It's here.

Oh, and the deadline for the foundation week of the January GolfMob is fast approaching, so if the splinters in your gluteus-assi-mus are hurting, get off the fence.

Nice one

John Seton