Had to work late last night and literally couldn't be f*cked, 

After spending 20 minutes organising my desk and a further 15 minutes searching for some music on youtube (and actually watching clips of Idiot abroad ) 

The conclusion was that no matter how late I stayed, the work would not get done,

I felt Lazy.

Didn't have the motivation and most importantly the FEAR to get things done.

Proper "who gives a sh*t mode" so....

I went home, and this morning I'm fighting fires left and right.

Nothing can make you pull more out of the bag than a propper full scale, under pressure war. 

I SHOULD have done more yesterday. 

I SHOULD not be this far behind

I SHOULD have been better prepared but the fact is......

it's the SHOULD's that will cause you the most pain and needless suffering because

It's in the past.

Nothing can be done to change it

But it can be improved. 

Living in the past just creates pain. 

So my lesson was I needed more fire last night and I need to get more leverage.

We cant change the past but we can learn for it. 

Three simple questions

What happened?

What did I learn?

How can it be improved?

Use these to be better today than yesterday, or of course

Just say f*ck it and have a pint. 

Sometimes that works just as good.


John Seton