Late Today Like The Trains
Midday for an email,
Not the best way to be consistent but I
did hit my morning routine,
A system I try to use every morning to set
up my day so I don’t get sucked into the
A simple plan that you can use too
Actually the guys at unbreakable had their
own version built for them
Something they can do every day to get
better and track it by
Keeping score
Cos what’s the point of playing a game if
we don’t keep score
Try it next time you play a round of golf
and see if you care
If the golf courses are ever open again
that is
But try it, play nine holes and don’t keep
Don’t know if you’ve pared the hole or not
You won’t enjoy it
You're just going through the motions.
So find something that will make you
More confident,
Do it every day and...
Keep score.
Something mentioned to the unbreakable
golfers this week when a couple of daily
scores didn’t come in
“If you lack the courage to keep score you
will justify your lack of results”
So keep score and see if you can win
John “late” seton
Ps next ones planned for the end of the
month but it may not be possible
I'll keep you posted