Man Flu Nutrition
To say I feel better this morning is an
Can’t say I’m ready to grab the world by
the balls but at least it’s not like
someone is gonna feel a boot up their ass
and I may survive the day
But what else can you add to your lemsip
cold and flu tablets so that you can
recover quicker and start cracking away at
getting better again
First of all just be aware that when the
body’s under ANY stress it will seek
temporary control to try to feel better
That’s why you will try to sedate with
your own type of choice
Even constantly checking social media
When you’re ill food is the one most
likely but who knows what we’re capable of
So getting your nutrition right can help
you recover
What did I do?
Every morning I have the following anyway
Green smoothie
Fish oil
Vitamin d3
But the primary focus yesterday was to add
1000 mg of vitamin c and not eat anything
classed as sh*t
That’s it
(Vitamin c came in the form of borocca
tablets but other vitamin c tablets are
available, ha)
That’s all I added and all I’ll
concentrate on with today as well
Remember when under stress you will search
for a temporary sense of control to feel
it’s called a “false lift” but..
if you don’t deal with the “event”
The “trigger” that causes the stress
Then you will always look to sedate, it’s
what the body does by trying to grab a
temporary sense of control from a
situation where you feel you have no
control over
So the next time you beat yourself up for
doing what you
shouldn’t have done
Can’t stop doing etc..
Remember that if you’re under stress
you’re just after some sense of control
Which reminds me
We cover this at unbreakable Golfers
More info go here
John “trying not to sedate” seton
Ps deal with the trigger, the issue that
causes you to sedate and you will stop
It’s very simple, just not very easy