UNBreakable golfers

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Mosquito Energy

Mosquitos spend their time, sucking-off the blood of people, leaving marks of their handy work while flying around annoying buzzing in your ear just waiting for a slap.

And when one takes one big slap, there is another just waiting to take its place.

Kind of like problems.

You have one after the other, just waiting to fill the space, occupy your time and thoughts.

Unless of course, you are full of energy.

Energy is the fuel to both attack each problem or to not have it bother you.

The best way to be full of energy is from the food you eat.

Knowing what powers you, and what drains you is the difference between getting shit done compared to putting it off till tomorrow.

Not being aware of how food affects you can be the one thing that is holding you back as well as beating yourself up for not doing it.

Wanna get more done and be better to be around, give yourself more energy.

There is this neat little tool called “The Google” and it gives you access to all the info you need on any subject. However,

It takes time to filter through all the stuff that works and can work for you by fitting it into your life.

That's why there is a whole section of videos on nutrition in Unbreakable golfers called “Unbreakable Nutrition” (It took me a while to come up with that name), that cuts through the stuff that's both important and relevant and condenses it down that it can even be absorbed by a shaved monkey like me.

Nutrition for me is as boring and painful as being forced to watch repeats of “loose women” while there is sport on the other side.

Wanna know more reply to this email, and I’ll add you to the list.

Anyway, I’m about to go on a mosquito massacre because as I write this my ankles are part of a blood bath.


John Seton

Nice one