UNBreakable golfers

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My Kids & A Real Lion

Its My boys birthday tomorrow

And Saturday we went to Port lymph (which
by the way is excellent)

When we were at the lion enclosure, one of
the lions was just staring at my kids from
his hut,

Staring for ages, and because they were in
their huts everybody else walked away,
leaving the glass free for me and my two
kids to just stand there.

Then this lion (that must had thought my
kids looked like a good lunch) walked out
of it's hut and calmly walked up to the

It jumped up to the glass like a house cat
would and scratched on the glass right
infront of my 3 year old daughters face

Both of them cracking up laughing

My boy being a bit more aware took a back
step ( must get that from his granddads
uneasiness around dogs) but was still

The best bit is my wife got the whole
thing on video

I was closer to the glass than my Mrs, so
the video was actually a better view of
what happened

Sometimes you are too close to something
and may need a diffrent point of view

Thats what assessment is all about,

Most people can tell you that they know
what their problem is, like...

Their hamstings are tight (most of the
time they're not by the way they're just
over worked), so they try to stretch them

but an assessment will tell you whats
really happening and why.

Having a different point of view, a
diffrent set of eyes looking at something
you are too close to see...

can change everything

So get a different perspective of things
you are convinced of.

It will give you an...

"opinion for thinking differently"

If you want your body as well as you swing

Then you will get thet here


John Seton