Dude a confession

Listen my man there is one thing I am not

And thats a chicken and broccoli man.

In Spain I think I done at least 1 large bag
of Jamon ruffles a day

Note: Why the fxck do that not sell then here


My nutrition has not been the best which is
cool cos it was a holiday.

Im Back to finishing what the kids didn't eat

Which on holiday was ice cream, biscuits as
well any dinner.

And I aint trained properly for 3 weeks.

So guess what?

my productivity and motivation
has not been at it best.

Sound familiar.

This is where its so difficult to get started

You see if i'd come straight back into
coaching the Mob my nutrition and fitness
would be on point.

They keep ME accountable.

Thats why I never ask them to do anything
that I havent done or are currently doing.

You see in fitness, for the last 3 weeks I've
had no one to keep me accountable.

I may need them for my fitness as much as
they need me.

Everything works better as part of a team.

Humans long to belong to something "Think

And men love to compete.

The fact is we will always take the easiest
path, its not lazy, the body is built to be
efficient as possible,

To conserve energy.

And the BEST way to snap out of it is to


And that breeds momentum, you wanna train cos
you've ate well

You wanna eat well cos you've trained and
have a Goal.

We go again in a couple of weeks.

If you wanna join a team of busy fellas

That have kids

Are limited on time

Want to have more energy

and have a better body to play golf

Then click the link below fill out a form and
I'll be in touch to see if you have the same
goals as we do.


Which is to be better without having to
sacrifice time from our family

Or the golf course

John "Jamon" Seton

PS Dude I've been there, getting started is
the hardest part

I start tonight

The Mob starts soon


If your tired of being tired and pxssed off
with waiting until the time is right to
change your body

Then get in touch

Ill let you know how my training goes
