UNBreakable golfers

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New Driver, Old Driver, Time Driver.

I read a great story on a golf forum recently...

It was about a golfer who buys a new driver every year,

He will generally test out a few from all the big brands...

And then choose the one he hits the furthest.

Then this guy decides to improve his game.

What he does next is search youtube, for better ways to hit the ball further,

The best way to hit a driver,

Swing changes,

New gadgets,

Golf exercises,

Weight training.

He then said that what happens is he notices he's not hitting it as far as he was (or thought he was)

And then ends up going back to his old driver.

The golf pro in the forum asked if he had, had a lesson with the new driver and the guy said

"I didn't want to waste money on a lesson until I can hit it (the new driver) a bit better"

Waste money on a lesson????????

This is the crazy part.....

If you invest in yourself it can never be a waste of money. By having a lesson he would have got expert knowledge from a guy trained and educated in getting golfers results.

He can always sell the driver to someone else.

But what he cant get back is the time spent:

Searching videos on youtube, trying stuff out (not knowing if he's implementing the way he should) reading golf magazines with conflicting information, and actually tying himself in knots.

You can do this too if you want, trade money for time (the most important commodity) and not spend a penny on expert knowledge and coaching.

Wait a minute...


You still dont want to put so much pain staking time wasting, effort and work into getting better?

Even though you only MIGHT get a result.

Okay, fine.

Then let "the shaved ape of Golf Performance" give you another option:

Fix your body

No wasted time required.

Plus, you can do it in 4 easy steps:

1) Find out which part of your body is the biggest restriction to your golf game.

2) Use specific techniques to target those areas

3) Strengthen the same areas with corrective exercise

4) Move on to the next area, rinse and repeat.

If you dont fancy doing that on your own....

Ask a shaved ape for help.


Good Luck....