Nothing is impossible for a man who refuses to listen to reason.” Gary Halbert

What I love about this statement is it goes against the grain,

Basically says that when everyone else’s says it won’t work or can’t be done...

You just plough through...

It’s not” .... for the man who refuses to give up”


..... for the man who has an idea ”


.... who has enough help”

Just not listening to anyone else’s:


Self doubts or

Other people’s perspective.

Just a case of.....

“my commitment will crush your lack of vision”

Choose something.....

A thing you have been unable to master or was put off by people telling you it’s not possible

and go again, but this time ONLY listen to those who want the same goals as you.

Because if people don’t understand how or what you are trying to achieve,

How can they give you advice.

Just like being with like minded golf at Unbreakable  

John Seton