"Pay yourself first, with time and money"

Dan Kennedy says “pay yourself before you pay everyone else”

His philosophy is you will fight tooth and nail to find the money for everyone else

(as long as you ain’t one of those entitled idiots) but will just make do with what’s left if you pay yourself last.

And with time, that's normally when you're exhausted and would rather sedate.

The Wake up Warrior movement teaches that you must hit your plan (they have the core 4) before you leave the house, at best by 8am.

Earl Nightingale had a philosophy that the first hour of every day belonged to you and your primary goal.

(he said that you should spend the first part of the day listing 10 things every morning you could do to better yourself)

This way you actually take time to THINK about how to get better rather than believing the stories that tell you that its not possible, 

Too hard or ..

Theres not enough time. 

The point is you must find a way to “pay yourself first”

And by doing it in the morning not only does it set you up for the day but it also gets you in power before the world gets involved, 

And try's to suck your energy….

Find a way that suits you, your needs and more importantly your targets. 

Before anyone else.

Sounds selfish but it benefits EVERYONE close to you.

So find out what it is you desperately need and most desperately want.

And focus on it, do something about it before anyone else sucks your time or..

Your energy, leaving you exhausted before you get a chance to focus on yourself, so.

"Pay yourself first"

If you want more info of how we do it at Unbreakable check out the Unbreakable Golfers App when it's officially released (I currently have Pro's, High level amateurs and weekend warriors finding the bugs for me). 


John Seton 

Nice one.