UNBreakable golfers

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"Ray, Don't Mac me off like a two bob, it's Golf"

In the brilliant and hilarious film "Love Honor and Obey"

Before the big gunfight Scene, South London Sean says to North London Ray...

"Ray, Don't Mac me off like a two bob, it's Sunday".

For which Ray replies "Mac, what's that a new term"

What follows is thousands of rounds of ammunition being fired and only one fella gets hit and that was in the ear.

Two things become evident from this

1. You can link things together that don't make sense and get a result.

2. You can take lots of shots at a target and still not hit anything worth hitting.

Golfers do this all the time... They look at Fitness and golf and can't see how they go together... But at the same time understand how the top guys on tour get results by doing it.

Then they take their own shots at targets trying to build a better body for golf while at the same time missing with pretty much everything they try.

Their fitness plans and effort are like a comedy film...

Jumping from one scene to another and end up having more chaos than courage in what they achieve.

The thing is,

The right target matters,

The right action matters,

The right results matter but if you do not link all three up (Target, action and results) what you get is thousands of attempts and very little results and definitely not any that will last.

Simple question...

What is your target for today, how will it make your Mind, Body and Golf better tomorrow?

If you don't have one, how can you think that you can ever improve.

You don't need to be on the course to take actions that will help you on the course...

You just want a plan and a way to measure progress.

Without those two things, your results will say to you "Don't' Mac Me Off Like a Two Bob" when it comes to going after, getting and keeping what you want...

All is revealed in the FREE content inside the Unbreakable Golfers app, but no information no matter how rich and proven it is can do the work for you.

That can only be done with your action and base it around what you Love, Honor and the results you are willing to obey.


John Seton