We took the kids to Cinderella Sunday,
I remember months ago the Mrs telling me
about the tickets
And when it was,
But at the time I was unaware I was going
We get there, get in the seats and we are
right at the front,
I didn’t take much notice as I come in,
So I was surprised to see Louie Spence in the
For years I couldn’t stand this fella,
My wife knew and said nothing as he came
bouncing across the stage
She just looked at me and laughed as I
“For fxck sake”
The thing is, he didn’t trigger me
Not once during the show
There was a time when I would see this fella
and have to change the channel
So I now no longer get triggered watching
this fella mince about
I don’t know why but if I had to guess I
imagine that I have worked on a previous
If you see something someone dose and it
pisses you off,
Winds you up,
Makes you shake your head
And this is all done NEEDLESSLY
Then it’s a trigger we NEED to work on.
If you’re not sure what I mean by needlessly
it’s the second of these two examples
Someone walks up to you and kicks you in the
Getting pissed off at can’t be called
Hearing someone smacking there lips while
they eat
And you want to hold them down and fill there
mouth with expanding foam
Then that my friend is a trigger,
Something that is needlessly draining your
energy and your concentration
And losing those two things will effect your
production and power
And can cause you to be an unhappy prick
So how do you fix this
It’s so simple you won’t do it but I’ll tell
you anyway
For a few days write down every needless
thing that triggers you
Everything that winds you up BUT doesn’t
necessarily wind up those around you
Do that and we will cover what to do next
John “triggered” Seton
PS why does any of this matter?
If you lose concentration you can lose
control and the ability to produce
And being able to produce is how we get
better at ANYTHING