This is really simple
This is proven as well
Humans are happiest when making progress
This is why it always feels fantastic
and motivating when you start something
You’ve invest in a new program,
Buy a new golf club,
Start a new way of eating,
This is because you now believe you are
“making progress”
You’ve made the first step
But where people go wrong is they start
to measure the wrong thing for progress
Constant progress can’t always be
measured in the desired outcome
So if you go and have a lesson
And in that lesson everything feels
better but
the next time you have a club in your
hand and it doesn’t feel as good
It feels like you’re not making progress
So you give up and start again
This makes us the same as,
the perpetual dieter
You’ve come across these people
It’s goes something like this
“I’ve started a new diet”
Yeah what is it?
“It’s where you just eat Heinz tomato
Sounds a little restrictive do you think
you can stick to it?
“Yes, yes, yes, I’ll be fine”
A week later
“I’ve lost 6 pound, I feel fantastic”
Another week later
“I’ve put on a pound so I’ve given it
Really? You’ve just lost 5 pounds over 2
weeks and you’re give up, what the f*ck
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s
I’m not saying it’s healthy
I’m not saying it’s not f*ckin stupid
but you’ve lost 5 pound in two weeks
This is a case where someone’s made
progress but tracked it WRONG
This is the most important thing about
tracking and measuring
If You have a putting lesson
And In your next round you miss 3 or 4
(so called) easy putts
But your stats show you sunk more
If you walk away not knowing this you
might abandon what you’ve learned
And walk away from what’s working for
With golf performance
You decide that you wanna get more
And I show you ONE simple, easy exercise
That you can do everyday
And it will lead to more distance
(As long as have the same impact)
But, you do it for two days and think
you’re done
You need to know what to track
What to measure so you can stay
consistent and stop giving up
After only a few days
Wanna know what to track within golf
Get in touch
Fill out a form and I will show you how
to get more out of your body
John “measurements” Seton
PS How you make progress everyday,
Is to be consistent
But you can’t be consistent if you don’t
To know how v v v v v v v v v
v Go here
Nice one