I Lived like Puff-head the first half of

The day didn't start too well

Didn't hit my morning routine

Had plenty of tea “before” any water

No green smoothie,

And even though I spent time relaxing with
the kids

I was glued to the sofa and felt like i'd
just traveled back from Ibiza

So what was the cause, it wasn’t something
I realized at the time but...

The end of my 90 day target is 12 days
away and I'm off course

Quite a bit...

And what happens when we are so focused on
looking forward, that if we think we wont
or can’t pull off/hit our targets we get a
little p*ssed off,

And we will look to sedate to get a tiny
bit of control

And that isn't good for fellas like us cos

Looking back is where the power is,
appreciating what we've pulled off is of
huge importance

It'll give you a little boost and can
completely refocus the mind on what we
"said" we wanted in the beginning

What we said we wanted when we set the

But sedating also robs you of the energy
you need do get “all” the stuff done

it was only when I left the house that I
got any energy back,

I was able to pull the day round by
finding out what the problem was

and this shift changed everything

So the point is if you set a target

If you track it daily and if the targets
you set are big enough to challenge you,
then there will defiantly be times when it
will look impossible to hit them

But at that point....

Its human nature to give up, say “whats
the point” or wait until the start of the
next 90 day segment or new plan

But if you remember that its a game that
you're playing with yourself (get your
mind out of the gutter) and that you need
to push as hard as you can until the VERY
end even if you are miles off track

keep going till the last day

You will get much more done than just
packing it in.(pretty obvious right?)

When that last day comes, "Then" you

And see what you could have done better to
achieve it.

The old cliché of "play to the whistle"
can be used,

If you want to know the strategic way of
setting your targets so that you can stay
on track even when it looks impossible

The way I do

Targets that spread outside of your golf
and your fitness then look into
unbreakable golfers


Its where we all try to win

John Seton