The 3 R’s is a way I to treat injured and dysfunctional golfers.

This was taught to me by the SFMA, which is an assessment system to help diagnose the causes of someone’s pain.

The general principle is that the root cause of pain is not coming from where the pain is felt, the cause is coming from somewhere else so we use this and other assessments to break things up.

Anyway, the whole point of it is, if we’re trying to not focus on the area of pain, and are focusing on an area of restriction that could have ended up causing the pain, then we use the following simple framework.

So the first R is reset, which would be the manual treatment, soft tissue treatment etc…

The second R is reinforce, and we are reinforcing the work we have done in the session (corrective exercise) etc.

And finally, the third R which is reload, the new pattern and range of motion etc, to get the desired long term target…

Very simple system but with a lot of moving parts.

Now, what I did with the fitness side of Unbreakable Golfers and the Golfmob was to take that same setup and try and get someone to get the range of motion, the movement, and the body working in a certain way.

Tight and inflexible, no problem,

Overweight and sedation with food, no problem,

Not hitting the ball as far as you would like, no problem,

Reset the problem patterns in the mind, body and how it is limiting how far a golfer can hit a golf ball…

Reinforce them with a specific, daily plan that would increase the range of motion and flexibility,

Reduce weight and teach golfers to eat better and,

Increase how far the golfer can hit the ball further without swinging out of his shoes.

Reload the golfer with new, patterns, behaviours and habits that allow better all-round play and living.

Apply it to the mind, and apply it to food, and apply it to your physical golf swing…

Basically, build a very complex system, and then make it as simple as possible to take action and stop procrastinating (which is what unbreakable golfers does for you) and make it as simple as possible.

The whole point of it is you should be able to do it daily.

It’s not easy. (nothing worth having is) and at times it can feel extremely hard, it takes commitment, and most people will want to give up.

However, people that are driven, will find the consistency to do this.

Because they want to get better as they get older, not worse…

Now, take the Unbreakable Golfers App.

You can click on an audio or a video, and you can switch between the speed, you can turn a video into audio, you can add your own notes to the teaching for your own benefit.

All very simple…

And you take your phone with you EVERYWHERE.

Like the App, Unbreakable Golfers is taking everything that’s extremely vast, extremely complex, and with lots and lots of moving parts and made results as simple as possible.

So, what I suggest you do next is think about what you’re doing at the moment in your mind, in your body and in your golf,

where are you making it all far too complex and not getting anywhere and could you make it simpler and still get results?

If you don’t know how to do that, then the FREE Unbreakable Golfers app could show you how.

John Seton