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The Oh Fuc Timer

The Oh fuc Timer(O.F.T) was something that was taught to me when I was a 16 year old apprentice.

Taught by one of the “old boy” electrician mentors I had.

Basically it’s when you have something that has some sort of deadline, or a particular end in sight that is just out of reach, but....

A set of circumstances brings the date quickly forward with no way of changing and no pissing and moaning available.

Just decision time,

A case of now or never.

So the Oh Fuc Timer is set and its a proper unprepared race against the clock.

This happened to me yesterday,

I’m planing a move, one that’s quite involved and could be (trying not to sound too dramatic) a massive change.

In my mind I had until July 8th to make a proper thought out and tested decision,

But Wednesday night something came up that set off a 48 hour O.F.T involving making serious decisions about where my future lay.

Now it didn’t come off for various reasons but it did make me completely clear about where my future lays and puts to bed a lot of doubt I had.

So why am I telling you this and more importantly how can you use it.

Every now and then we are thrown an O.F.T.

And it makes us get clear about what we are willing to do and the sacrifices we are willing to make and specifically the PAIN we are willing to go through.......

to get what we want.

We can chose to step up or wait and hope for the next opportunity.

It ultimately comes down to are we willing to make the sacrifices that are needed to get what we SAY we want.

So list a goal or target you have wanted but for some reason never been able to achieve or get started.

Then list ALL the reasons why You think it’s NOT possible, then find the one reason that has the most doubt,

Fear or resistance.

And set a timer to see all the possible ways to overcome that doubt.

Our mind will keep us stuck in what it sees as “the norm”

It does this to protect us.

But we can challenge the norm,

We don’t have to be the same as everyone else.

Challenge the norm cos it’s what you used to DO before you started telling yourself that you are now no longer capable of it because of age.


John Seton