The Truth Behind My Training
Why I Started Training?
I’ll be honest I wanted to look better,
I felt that I’d let myself go as soon as the kids came along
But the reason I’ve kept training is for power,
The fact is I’m a happier fella when in shape,
I have more energy now,
And with that (and here’s something that most people won’t tell you)
I make more money because of training
Who would have thought it, right.....
If we start to eat shit and do less it effects our PRODUCTIVITY...
And leads to more sedation.... which leads to less productivity.. which leads.
You get the point
And guess what, our ability to produce has a direct impact on our results In other areas of our life that we don’t think of
That’s why the golf mob works,
Because your ability to overcome fear, doubt and pushing through the barrier effects all areas of your life
Not just your waist line
Unfortunately the only way anyone can get hold of the golf mob plan now is by being part of unbreakable
So if your want more than just being able to buy smaller waist golf trousers
Maybe unbreakable is for you
John Seton